Chapter 50

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{This is it, the last chapter of Piece of Your Heart. Dedicated to sapnapeef for convincing me to post this story in the first place. Thank you every single one of you from the bottom of my heart for reading this!}

The year came and went in a blur for the two men. It was now August, and Draco Malfoy had never been more excited to do anything in his life. For the most part, the months that had passed had been bliss.

The end of February had been spent in France. It was the first time that both men had gone out without glamours, not caring who had seen them. They got a few double takes here and there, but no one approached them and there were no articles written.

Draco would walk to the ends of the Earth to make Harry as happy as he was while travelling. There were so many photographs taken during their adventures that one room of their home had been converted solely into housing all of their scrapbooks and collected momentos.

Both men had arrived back home just in time for Ron's birthday party, which was truly one of Draco's finest moments. As promised, Ron was presented with many cinnamon rolls. However, Draco wasn't an honorary Weasley for nothing. The photos would live in infamy.

"Happy birthday Ron!"

"Bloody hell Draco, that's a lot of boxes of mate."

"Your present, as promised. One batch for each year I terrorized you."

Draco hid a snicker as Ron counted the boxes.

"Perfect. I'm feeling kind, so I will share the first box with my wonderful friends."

Molly was ready with a camera to capture the look on Ron's face when he opened the box. He was absolutely gobsmacked.

"I cannot believe you did this to me Malfoy."

"Just a reminder in case anyone forgot, that Weasley is our king."

Draco had worked very hard on the fondant work and coloring, and he was extremely proud of the final result.

"I couldn't get away without one last joke, so here's an extra box."

George was the first one to start humming the tune, and soon enough everyone was singing Weasley is our King as opposed to happy birthday. Ron thought his friends were pretty great.

"Just you wait until you two get married. I'm planning now", Ron warned.

Draco accepted the threat with grace, as Harry pulled him into his side a little tighter.

Since that day, Draco's potion had been taking the wizarding world by storm. He donated a large portion of the proceeds to those who had been displaced by the effects of the war. He kept enough of the proceeds to be sure he could care for himself, Harry, Teddy, Andy, and his mother, but everything else went to Hogwarts or towards buying supplies. It wasn't like Draco really needed to work anyways, but he was having a great time doing what he loved with who he loved.

Harry was surprised to find how much he actually enjoyed working in the greenhouse. He didn't think this is what he wanted to do forever, but he was enjoying his time working closely with his lover. Having Neville and Luna around more often also added to Harry's excitement. Minerva was even known to pop in when Harry and Draco were too busy to see her. There was even one occasion where she brought the portrait of Severus with her.

"Hello Minerva! Nice to see-", Harry greeted cheerily, voice trailing off as he noticed the portrait in her hands.

"Professor Snape", he greeted, confusion making his statement sound more like a question.

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