Chapter 15

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The rest of the week passed in much of the same manner. Cleaning up a few rooms, lounging on the couch watching tv, and cooking each other meals.

"Harry do I really have to go?"

"Would you rather have Molly come here and drag you by your ear?"

"No.", he grumbled.

"Good choice. Been there, done that."

Draco laughed.

"Mrs. Weasley is a force to be reckoned with."

"She truly is. I'm glad she's taken me in as an adopted child of sorts. It made a lot of things so much easier."

"I bet it did... Hey am I even allowed to leave?"

"You're not in public. Kingsley knew I wasn't going to leave you locked up in here forever. As long as we ask for special permission if we go into any wizarding spaces we're fine. That's just a formality really."

"I guess being friends with Saint Potter has its perks."

"Oh there's many. You get all this."

Harry winked as he gestured up and down across his body.

"I would very much enjoy a piece of that."

Harry leaned in with a glint in his eyes and a smirk on his face.

"Why take a piece when you can have it all? Just say the word."

"Salazar Harry.", Draco choked out.

He was really getting under Draco's skin now.

Harry reached past Draco to grab the cinnamon rolls Draco had made and Draco sharply inhaled at the lack of distance. Hermione had written him immediately after she had them, raving about how wonderful they had been. Draco thought it would be a nice gesture to bring something. He was raised to never show up to someone's house empty handed.


Harry put his hands on Draco's shoulders and gave them a light squeeze. Draco dropped his head to the crook of Harry's neck. He pulled Draco into his arms and started running his hands up and down his back to calm him.

"It's just the Weasleys. You've met them all before."

"I know that."

"Why are you so worried then?"

"It's different now. It's like I'm meeting your family properly for the first time. I want them to like me."

"Draco we're not eloping. I'll be by your side practically the whole night."

"If I ever eloped my mother would kill me."

"I'll keep that in mind. Honestly though Dray it'll be okay. If you feel uncomfortable at any moment we'll come straight home."

"You would do that for me?", Draco asked quietly.

"Of course I would. You mean a lot to me and they all know that. It'll be fine."

"Merlin I hate you."

Draco dramatically dropped his head back into the side of Harry's neck.

"And what's the reason now?"

"You and your bloody Gryffindor charms getting me to do things I don't want to do."

Draco loved feeling Harry's laugh as he held him lightly. Draco needed to be hugged more often.

"We'll do it the Slytherin way then. If you behave there will be a reward for you."

"And if I don't?"

Piece of Your Heart  ✔️Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang