Chapter 14

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"Anna's Story"

Anna patiently waited at Elsa's door again. She spent her time playing there with their very own plushies. Her eyes are teary. The little girl spoke, "I miss you Elsa... Sometimes when my teacher lecture me about variety of subjects, I always come to think... How does it felt like when you're there as my classmate. Just like how we used to when we were five years old, when we you first learn to read and I am having trouble reading the first letter", Anna stopped playing with her toys. She leaned her strawberry blonde head against Elsa's door waiting for her response.

It's twelve in the afternoon, Anna's class ended an hour ago. Later on, she will leave for another schedule. Practicing posture and proper way of greeting other people. She hated how books are put on top of her head, she brags a lot about it because it always ended up sliding down her face and hitting her foot afterwards.

"It would be so much fun.. When you are there with me", Anna frowned. She pouted. "I hate how books slide on my face and fell on my foot", she complained kicking in the air as she sat down the cold wooden floor. Anna always thought why is it always cold whenever she stood near her door.

However, Elsa stood behind the door. She's excited to hear her stories everyday. Jack was behind her, smiling. He's listening to Anna's stories. She reminded him of Katherine a.k.a Mother Goose, the guardian of Story telling and the mother of literature. "It's better if you focus on walking, keeping your eyes straight to the wall... You easily get distracted", Elsa giggled. Sadly, through the thick wooden door... Anna can't hear her.

"I agree, Anna always complain and beg your mother and father to join you in values class", Jack said.

Elsa looked at Jack. "She did?". Astonished, Elsa felt her sister's love. It's heartwarming. Jack nodded. Elsa smiled, she walked closer to the door and put her gloved hand on it. "Tell me more", she whispered as she lean her forehead.

"Have you read the letter I wrote to you? Do you like them? Knock once if you didn't and knock five times... Like I always do if you love it", Anna said. Patiently waiting as her blue eyes, happily stare at the door. Her ears waiting for her sister's response.

Elsa breathed in and out. Her turquoise eyes shifted towards Jack who bent down next to her. "Go ahead, what's your answer?", Jack asked her. He smiled. "Knock", He smirked.

Anna waited, she fiddles with her hands. Elsa balled her fist, ready to knock but she stopped and looked at Jack again. "Your highness, do not look at me as if I'm the one who need to answer it", Jack said. "Go ahead, knock", he added as he nodded to her. Elsa nodded once, gathering her strength to knock. She read them all the moment she woke this morning before heading to her personal library where her teacher await for her every morning. Elsa learned very fast, she got her posture and values lesson swiftly.

Elsa smiled, she knocked five times. When Anna heard it, she enthusiastically stood up. Clasping her hand together, Anna squealed. Jumping with her cute chubby legs, clapping happily. Is it as if she won a lottery. "I knew you would love it!", Anna happily shouted. She ran in circles, raising her arms in the air. Chanting, "Elsa love my letters! She cares! Elsa loves me! Elsa love my letters! Elsa loves me! She cares!", over and over again.

Princess Elsa giggled, her little hand covering her mouth. "Oh Anna", she blushed as she laughed. Jack smiled at her, leaning on his staff and watching Elsa enjoy the noisiness of her sister. 'They really have a strong bond. How I wish I could turn back the time, I want to spend my time with Mary more', Jack thought as he leaned his head against the staff more. Enjoying the sight of Elsa happily listening to her energetic sibling.

When Anna was about to open her mouth, her assistant bowed in front of her. "Good afternoon your highness. I'm sorry to interrupt your moment with Princess Elsa but we have to proceed to your class", Alanna her assistant said. Anna pouted.

"Oh no. Elsa can you come? Pleaseee", Anna begged. She put her hands against her chest, begging as if Elsa could see her. "It will be more fuuunnn if you're there!"

Elsa's happy face suddenly turned sad. "I'm sorry.. I can't...go by yourself", Elsa said.

Anna sighed in disappointment. She frowned for a while but cheer up quickly. "Okay sis. I understand! See you tomorrow! I love you!", Anna said. She gave a flying kiss.

"This way your highness", Alanna assisted Princess Anna. They walked the long corridor, heading to lecture room.

Elsa step aback. Jack sadly sighed, he stood up. "It's okay", Jack tried to cheer her up. After all, he is the guardian of fun. "Get a grip your highness", he put a hand on her narrow shoulder. Elsa looked up to him, her eyes are weary because of crying. Jack wiped her tears.

"Rule number two?", Jack asked.

"Never cry if you can't do something about it, be optimistic", Elsa said. Jack smiled, patting her head.

"Good, now prepare for your Mathematics class. You have an hour to prepare Princess smarty pants", Jack chuckled.

Elsa smiled. "I'm not smart", she refused.

"Oh yeah you're not", Jack rolled his eyes with a smile on his face. He flew towards the chair. Jack Frost sat down with his legs cross. "Is this how a princess sit?", He acted like a royal maiden. Jack sassily put his cold hands on top of his knees, lifting his chin. Elsa chuckled.

"Yes. I am attending Mathematics class Jack, not posture and values", Elsa laughed.

"Right! I'm just messing around snowflake, there. You laughed, kept that smile on yourself", Jack winked pointing at her using gun fingers. Elsa nodded, slipping new pair of satin gloves. She sat down to the chair attached to her window, spending her hours talking to Jack until her assistant Karina arrived. Karina knocked on her door after an hour. She's always ten minutes early. "Princess Elsa? It's time to attend Professor's Gjurd class", she said in a soft voice.

"After you", Jack smiled. Elsa nodded, standing straight before walking out of the room. She walked elegantly as she exited the room and Jack trailed behind her. She felt comfortable with Karina, thought sometimes Karina is serious and she's afraid. It's all worth it. Professor Gjurd, her professor who is strict, smart and conservative. His name means peaceful and good, yet he doesn't look peaceful because of his strong features. Gjurd looks like a professor who would yell at you when you did something wrong.

Well, this is going to be a long day for Elsa and a blabber for Jack. He will spend his day listening to Elsa's three subjects, Mathematics, English and Laws of the royal family.



Hello there, I hope you enjoyed the chapter.

New Year is near! Let's pray thag 2021 will be opposite from 2020, also, don't forget to participate in Mother Earth's recovery programs. Never hesitate to restore the health and green richness of the earth.

We are the hope of our country, let's choose to do good things rather than destroying it.

Have a great day/night my lovely readers!

To my silent readers, I hope you like it and so as my active readers who vote and comment to this story. I love you all! Happy reading❤❤❤❤

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