Chapter 10

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"Jack's Fear"

Jack landed near the frozen lake, to where he first woke up. Where Man in the Moon first welcomed him. Elsa got off of his back carefully, Jack accompanied her to the frozen lake. A wide smile crept her lips, she remembered how Anna used to have fun with her in a frozen lake near their kingdom.

"This place is familiar", Elsa gasped. Looking around, mesmerizing how beautiful the place was. She then remembered. "This is where the man in moon first woke you up", she smiled. Her turquoise eyes, shifting towards the guardian of fun.

"Uh huh, you got that right. Do you feel comfortable here?", Jack smirked.

Elsa nodded. "Remove your gloves, feel free to blast ice everywhere", Jack chuckled. When he said that, Elsa felt temporary freedom. Her mind tells her no because she could hurt him at the same time, her heart tells her pull out her gloves.

"R-really?...I..I uh...might hurt you if I did", Elsa said. Fear was show beneath her eyes, she looked agitated. Jack shook his head, giving her comforting smile.

"You won't, I'm a guardian remember? Even if you shot me, it won't affect me. Only immortal creatures like me, can kill me", Jack convinced her. It's true, immortals only have the ability to end a guardian's life. Just like what happened with Sandman. Thankfully, belief of children gave him powers and awaken again.

Elsa breathe out. She's never been this nervous. Moreover, it's her first time to be out in the field again. "Is there any people that live nearby? Or...roaming this forest at night?", She asked.

"No, I'm always here. Burgess village is far away from this place, perhaps a few kilometers away", Jack smiled. "Don't be shy to take off your gloves. This is a free field. Tell me if you feel uncomfortable standing here, I'll find a better place--"

"No, this place is fine", Elsa gained hope. She start to take off her gloves. Jack offered his hand, Elsa hand off her gloves to him. The guardian of fun, relieved. He slipped her gloves inside of his hoodie pocket.

"Ready?", Jack asked.

His smile is truly comforting, it made Elsa slowly move her hands in circular motion. Swirls of ice start to spiral in her palms, snowflakes and sparkles of crystal start to appear. Jack smiles, he knelt down to level her height. His cyan blue eyes are focused on what Elsa was doing. "Now try to lift your hand a little and balance the weight of the magic", Jack said. He's serious now, throughly focused on what Princess Elsa was doing.

"Okay", Elsa smiled. She lifted her hand a little, balancing the weight of snow forming in her hands.

"Try to form a snowball", Jack smiled. He nodded. "Yes, like that, you're doing excellent!", Jack clapped. Elsa felt so good when he clapped. That means, he's proud of me. Elsa breathe in, closing her eyes as she form a snowball in her hand. When she opened her eyes, a beautiful snowball was formed. "Well done", Jack chuckled. He stood up, patting her shoulder.

"I did it!", Elsa squealed.

"Yes! Now we're going to have fun, do you know how to skate?", Jack smiled at her. He leaned his staff atop his shoulders, looking down at Elsa. Elsa excitedly nodded but instantly got sad when Anna entered her mind. She looked down, fiddling her fingers.

"It would be more fun if Anna's here", Elsa muttered under her breath.

Jack's eyebrows meet up, forming pitty. His smile slanting, his eyes focused on hers. "Hey, hey...Slow down", Jack said. He knelt down on one knee and put a hand on her shoulder again. Elsa looked at him with teary eyes, she's biting her lower lip. Same facial expression when Jack left Jamie. Jack think optimistic, making sure to give the comfort Elsa need. "There will be a time, take it slow. I'm sure you and Anna will do more than we are about to do right now. Do you believe in me?", He asked.

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