Chapter 58

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"Jack's Body"

She walked towards her parent's memories. "I have to tell you something, about my past" Queen Iduna held Agnar's hand that is leaning against her soft cheek.

"Go on my love, I'm listening..."

"Remember when the war broke out? The war between the Northuldrans and Arendellians?" Queen Iduna asked. Elsa's eyebrows narrowed, trying to guess what's her mother is trying to tell her father.

"What about it Mother?" Elsa tried to figure it out. Her mother's eyes were sincere as she tell Agnar about it.

"You asked before, where do I came from? I was so scared to tell you...I'm from Northuldra" Queen Iduna said. Her eyes, about to tear up.

King Agnar responded with a soft smile. "That will never change my love for you, tell me more my Queen. I knew it beforehand, I'm doing research about the truth as well. From where it happened and how it happened"

"Thank you my King" Queen Iduna cried. She sniffed before telling another truth. "I used to tell you about a guardian. A fun guardian, Jack Frost. He wasn't a myth"

"What? But he was in the children's book, it's impossible my love. You said you could remember his face?" Agnar worriedly said. Iduna nodded, she wrapped her arms more around Agnar's waist.

"The boogeyman blinded me the moment we stepped out of the enchanted forest, Jack sent his help but never show his face again. I was the one who saved you from the war" Iduna looked down. Elsa gasped, causing her to cover her mouth.

"Mother... What... You're related to J-jack?" Elsa stuttered. "So it's true" she looked down and back again to her mother. Her father smiled, hugging Iduna. King Agnar kissed Iduna's forehead, embracing her in a tight hug.

"I'm glad it was you and I'm glad that you are connected to Jack Frost. He's the winter guardian. Once we found the answer, we seek for him and ask about Elsa. Maybe he gifted her powers" King Agnar said. Queen Iduna nodded, she cried happily on Agnar's chest. They hugged tightly before the ship shook, tilting to the side. The two let go of each other. Before Elsa ran to grab the snow statue, it crumpled.

Elsa's heart pounded loudly. "I need to know more..." Her tears shed.

She doesn't know why she kept seeing other memories. There are some of her mother's memories at the corner of the truth dome, filled with shaped snow and is moving as if it's alive.

"Jack I'M AFRAID! I can't climb the tree! It's too dangerous!" Little Iduna shouted.

Jack Frost laughed.

Elsa shivered when she heard his beautiful laugh, she stared at his breathtaking handsome face.

"Try it once more!" Jack lended his hand to the little Iduna. Little Iduna tried to climb the tree, Jack helped her many times.

"Enchanted Forest? ... Jack's been there many times?" Elsa's eyebrows narrowed. "So he's the one who helped my mother, guarded her... Why did mother hid this from me?"

"Elsa" she heard a familiar voice. Faint, a distant call. Elsa spun around, her body almost twist in finding the voice.


It called again.

When she was about to step again, she saw Jack Frost's snow figure chasing after the King of Arendelle. Reunard, Agnar's father.

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