Chapter 22

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"Flashbacks And Farewell"

"I arrived in a home, a cozy cottage in which... I long for. I want to explore the world as much as I want to live with their ways. I think it's a dream come true... It's the feeling a nightlight never felt before, more intense and overwhelming than getting an urge to fight Pitch. I'm sorry everyone but... My brother nightlights told me to pursue this dream. Please give me a chance", Nightlight smiled to his friends. His hands were clasped against his chest, against his lunar uniform as a nightlight.

Katherine head down. Manny sighed, it's time to bring back the favor. Nightlight has protected him at all cost ever since he was a baby. "What else did you saw?", Manny asked Nightlight.

"I saw techniques of defeating Pitch, shrinking him to depths of earth. This is the third time of fighting him after the dark age", Nightlight smiled.

Manny nodded. "Lay down", Katherine felt sad when Nightlight decided to leave them behind.

"Wait", Nightlight said before lying down. He grasped to his staff and walk towards Katherine who have tears in her eyes. Nightlight wiped them away, smiling at his beloved Katherine. "Don't shed tears my beloved lady, as much as I want to stay.. I believe this is where my fate lay, I need to do this and I'm sorry for leaving you like this", he sadly said pulling her into a hug. Katherine hugged back, crying in his chest.

"I understand", Katherine sniffed. She faced him, cupping his white flawless face that shines like the stars in the sky. Her gray eyes looked at his deep blue eyes. "When you're incarnated in a boy, please do not forget your fellows. We will always watch your back. Have a fun journey not as a nightlight but as a human. As Jackson Overland Frost", she placed a kiss on his lips before pulling away.

Nightlight nodded, leaning his forehead to Katherine. He doesn't want to cry. This is a part of his oath as a nightlight, his existence in mortal world have a purpose. A purpose of protecting everyone. This time, his journey will start as a human boy and not as a nightlight. "Go, get ready. Take care", Katherine smiled as Nighlight pulled away from her. Katherine smiled and helped him lie down.

Nightlight left her but she understood. "Use your purpose in a good way, do not forget where you came from. Serve with purity in your heart, use your powers in creating hopes and dreams in the line of childhood and good luck in your journey. Welcome to mortality Jackson Overland Frost", Manny smiled and blessed him. Nightlight closed his eyes, he felt his body changing as he dropped from the sky. Change embraced him as winds of mortality wrapped him, carefully placing him down the snowy ground.

His brown eyes opened, seeing a clear blue sky aesthetically designed with pure clouds. From a far, Jackson saw the moon it started to fade away as morning steps in. He stood up, laughing. Jackson picked up a shepherd staff, using it as a balance. He started to walk, pass the woods until he saw a village and a warm cozy cottage. It's the cottage he saw in his dreams, one with many windows, a door and a family having fun inside next to the fireplace.

Jackson felt cold for the first time, he looked up the moon and smiled. He mouthed thank you before knocking. Victor Ardeleon opened the door, to see Jackson Overland Frost coated in ice to his brown hair and shoulders. "Erina!", He called.

"Yes my love? Who is it?", Erina asked.

"Momma we have a visitor!", Anna happily jumped. Jack Levitch ran to his mother. Erina saw this poor boy, barefooted and have thin clothing that wraps his human body.

"Come in! Oh boy, what are you doing in an outfit like that in snowday!", Victor took him in as Erina rummaged Victor's drawers to gave him nice clothes. Anna handed Jackson warm hot mug of chocolate.

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