Chapter 50

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"The Wind Spirit"

Queen Iduna and King Agnar stared at their princesses. Their precious little angels were sleeping peacefully. "Aren't they adorable?", Queen Iduna's soft blue eyes stared at the most beautiful children in her eyes.

"Yes, I'm happy that I am married to you", King Agnar kissed the top of her forehead and put his hand on top of Iduna's right shoulder. His green forest eyes stared at her wonderful princesses, thankful for the heaven for granting his wish to have a child.

"Since they're sleeping, let's head back to the office", Queen Iduna softly smiled. King Agnar nodded and leaded the way for Queen Iduna. All of the staffs in the castle were sleeping at the time, in deep sleep. As the Sandman pour his magic to Arendellian servant's head, he noticed Queen Iduna and King Agnar walking on a long hallway.

The king was holding a lamp while the queen has a bunch of scrolls against her chest. "It must have been important", the Sandman thought. He secretly followed them, he doesn't know what push him to follow them but the moment he recognized the Queen's face, he realized that it was Jack Frost's friend in the Enchanted Forest.

Elsa started dreaming to which she was playing with an unknown man wearing a blue navy outfit partenered with brown khaki pants. Sandman knew it was Jack Frost, he reported it to North when he got back to the workshop. Children around the world rarely dream of Jack Frost in mid summer or in any kind of season away from winter. The excitement of the children lead them to dream about Jack Frost when the wintet is near. However, North returned a smile to Sandman's dozen of statements when he got to the workshop. It got his nose blowing imaginary smoke, pissed.

King Agnar looked around before opening the secret door. "In you go, my Queen", he kissed Iduna's cheek. Queen Iduna blushed, rushing inside the secret room.

It's the room where they spend their time together. All of the important files regarding their family's secrets of magic is hidden there. From the scrolls containing the Queen and King's statements, possible answers and deeper questions to the cabinets where they hid the family's treasures from their ancestors. Book of spells that Agnar collected when he was young. Queen Iduna's diary and so as King Agnar's.

King Agnar once again looked around carefully, assuring no one saw them enter the secret room. When he sensed no sign of tails, he got inside the room and locked the door instantly. He rushed with Iduna downstairs.

Queen Iduna put down the scrolls on the table while King Agnar lighted two of the other lamps to maintain privacy. They didn't want the castleguards to see the light coming from a hidden room. "That's all the information I can gather from far lands, those are the scrolls old wizards and magicians kept with them. I traded our expensive pack of cloths and jewelries to get these scrolls", she said.

King Agnar smiled and cupped Queen Iduna's cheek. "Good, you're excellent my Queen", he kissed her hand before they unwrapped the scrolls.

King Agnar opened the first red scroll. "Fire element, fire element is....", His eyes read with him.

"Water element. Water element is usually powerful, it has the power to cooperate with the fifth spirit, a long lost spirit....", Queen Iduna continues to read.

Elsa looked around. She's still astonished and charmed by how the beautiful nature is. "I never knew, nature could be so...relaxing and...beautiful. Being in here is an honor..", she smiled. Elsa continued to walk around until a swirl of wind with leaves caught her attention as the wind brushed the leaves of the trees. The snow queen glanced up, she's about to approach it when Anna hugged her from behind.

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