Chapter 48

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"Entrusting The Truth"

From afar, to a place where it is full of mist and healthy air stood a very fine man dressed in white. His violet eyes stared from the distance, watching a sled move towards his borders. His white eyebrows scrunched when he spotted a young woman dressed in cream blue. Misto, the guardian of mist and illusion gripped his crystal staff tight. "It must be her", He said.

Misto laughed as he walked towards the top of the mist borders. He watched how exhilarated Queen Elsa is when she got off the sled once she spotted the legendary mist wall. A mist wall that covered the Enchanted Forest. Misto bent over, leaning in. He narrowed his mesmerizing violet eyes, its white lashes glimmering his eyelids, making him a charming guardian of mist. "Elsa wait!", Anna shouted.

"Doesn't it look dangerous?", Kristoff asked Olaf who shrugged with a smile.

"It looks like a milk cotton candy although we can call it a cloud candy?", Olaf giggled.

Misto, being serious as he was did not laugh at the snowman's silliness. "How is it possible to create a snowman in this hot weather? Not even the mist woman have the ability to cover million of hectares in a hot sunny day!", He then stood up again. Misto pointed his crystal staff to Elsa who's alured by how beautiful the mist border is.

His head ached, remembering what Jack Frost has said to him. A favor.

"Misto, I know we're not in good terms but hear me out", Jack tried to approach him but Misto's being defensive and intimidated by Jack's appearance in his quarters.

"What is it to talk this night Frost?", He angrily asked. Misto gritted his teeth, irritated. His back turned against him.

"A very important matter. It's rare when Katherine sees a vision. You got to help the Queen of Norway", Jack said. He stepped in. Misto stomped his foot on the ground. The mini mist boundary he created hit Jack Frost causing for him to fly back and hit the wall.

A mist wall is one of the most powerful magic created by the god of wind, mist and skies. They gifted it to Misto. Whoever tried to get their body touched by the mist bumps away or even throw back. "Queen of Norway?"

Intrigued, Misto turned around to see Jack Frost getting back in his feet. His violet eyes soften when he saw sincerity in the fun guardian's cyan blue. "Arendelle, the Kingdom where crocus and fish are bountiful. We once guarded it when King Agnar's still alive"

"Agnar", Misto said Agnar's name as if it put a dirt on his tongue. He spitted mist on the carpeted floor.

"I know you hated the royal family and protected Northuldra for many years, you locked them by the command of the spirits of the nature. Emily feel doubtful now that Elsa's starting to hear voices", Jack said. He walked towards Misto.

"It's their fault. They put a dirt in this forest. It shed blood which is forbidden in the nature's law", Misto groaned. He shifted his eyes to the big crystalized windows, emphasizing his office.

"But deep inside we knew that the truth must be found. We remained quiet for many years. Isn't it a good idea to rethink? To see what really happened before?", Jack spread his arms as he explained. He's convincing Misto.

"What should be considered?! You saw how they spit a dirt to our nurtured lands! Because of Reunard's selfishness!! Ruth got cursed by mother nature!", Misto shouted. Jack's taken aback by Misto's voice. He knew it has something to do with Elsa.

"A curse?", He asked. Baffled.

"Emily put a curse in Reunard and Ruth's bloodline. It runs in Agnar's blood. Emily along with the four spirits of nature casted a spell on the blood of the King, that his first generation will suffer the consequences of messing with the nature", Misto's voice lowered. He clutched his fist. Raged by how Northuldra and Arendellian fought by the year he promised a gift to reward the unity of two sides but ended up fighting a fire, throwing a fit to each other.

"Ruth...isn't that Queen Ruth? Reunard's wife? I heard she left the palace when Agnar was just seven?"

"Reunard's hot temperament and abusive behavior pushed the comfort away from Ruth's peace of mind. Ruth grew fearful of what the four spirits told her in her dreams. I didn't even know why Iduna .... is missing and also that prince", Misto said.

"We'll figure it out...", Jack's still surprised of what he found out. "Once the truth is found, we will never be baffled and raged again", he walked towards Misto and took his hands. His convincing cyan blue eyes soften as he gave a nod. "Can you make a way for Queen Elsa? I have a good feeling about this. You don't have to decide quickly, I trust you"

Misto rubbed his temples. "You've got to be kidding me. This woman?", He shivered when Elsa's eyes examine the wall.

"Do you know that this mist wall hold a rage from the past? True facts....", Olaf continued to tell facts to Kristoff who has his eyes on the mist wall. Sven smelled the mist wall, it somewhat smelled sweet in his taste.

"Elsa..... What is this..?", Anna asked. She wrapped her arms tightly around Elsa's arm.

"It's amazing how no one get to enter...this forest for a very long time", Elsa said.

"I'll describe you what my woman looks like. She have a beautiful white platinum blonde hair, blue ocean eyes, porcelain skin and soft looking lips. Once you see her, you know what to do! I'm counting on you Misto!!!!", Jack laughed before speeding away from The Mist Castle.

Misto chuckled as he rubbed his eyes. "You've got to be kidding me frost. This woman looks intelligent along with her sister", he scoffed. His serious violet eyes examined Queen Elsa and Princess Anna.

Anna felt nervous. She doesn't feel right. She's the woman who never think twice when doing something but somewhat, when she stepped her foot in the forest's external grounds... Her heart felt an unbearable pain, a pain that warns her. Anna tried to think positive and hugged Elsa's arm more.


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isto's surprised when Elsa bravely touched the mist. He thought twice in opening the gates for her. He somehow felt comfort, softness, sincerity and kindness when Elsa's soft palm touched the mist. "....", Misto blushed. "So..this is why Jack loved her and died for her".

The mist wall opened widely, making a way for them. Olaf's eyes widen as Kristoff gasped, pulling Sven close to them. "A great combination, courage and sincerity. Both present in Anna and Elsa's hearts. True warriors... May the spirits reconsider and have pity when you start your mission inside the forest", Misto said. He spread his arms wide, his crystal staff glowed.

Elsa's still shocked and so as Anna. Anna felt nervous again but strong. She thought positive. "Promise me we'll do this together", she held Elsa's hand. Anna's beautiful eyes looked at Elsa's with sincerity and strictness.

"Yes, together", Elsa smiled. She held Anna's hand as well.

When the sisters stepped in the mist, Kristoff and Olaf decided to follow them when they sensed it's safe. Sven scaredly look around. "You all walk slow, slower than snails! Faster!", Misto shouted. He pushed them all inside the Enchanted Forest, locking them inside. "I hate to say this but good luck! I entrust the fate of the truth in your hands! If you all fail the nature, you'll stay here for the rest of your lives!", Misto shouted before disappearing.


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