Chapter 5

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Jack and Elsa are practicing, Jack is happy on how she is improving day by day. One hot afternoon, a knock on the door interrupted them from talking. Iduna walked in, smiling at her quiet daughter. There stood Jack, near the window.

"Mama", Elsa smiled. "Good afternoon"

"Good afternoon my little one, how are you doing?", The sweet queen that have blue eyes and brown hair asked as she sit down next to Princess Elsa. She is Queen Iduna of Arendelle, mother of Princess Anna and Princess Elsa, wife of King Agnar and an excellent Queen among her people.

Jack sat down the bumped out chair, leaning on his staff. Smiling, he can read happiness in Elsa's eyes once her mother entered the room. It's been a month since Elsa and Anna's parents left for trade meeting. "I am doing just fine mother", Elsa smiled. She looked over to Jack. Jack shrugged and mouthed 'I'm fine over here'. He smirked.

"Go talk to your mother", Jack winked after saying it. Iduna noticed Elsa's attention, focused at her window. 'She's talking to someone', Iduna's instincts said. Elsa giggled. Iduna think it's a little strange because what Elsa is acting right now is new to her eyes. She never saw her daughter talking to someone she could not see.

"Elsa honey, who are you talking to?", Iduna asked. Jack blow up his cheeks as he raise both of his eyebrows. Elsa giggled.

"My friend momma", Jack smiled.

"Where?", Iduna asked. She's thinking positively that Elsa doesn't have an imaginary friend.

"There", Elsa pointed to where Jack sits. Iduna looked at the empty chair near the window.

"Darling there's nothing there", Iduna said. Jack's eyebrows narrowed, he sighed. 'Yeah right, not all people can see me', he thought. Jack can clearly remember Iduna, he knows her past. Elsa quickly get it so she changed the topic. Her concerned eyes look at Jack Frost seconds by seconds. Deep inside, she's thinking how to make him feel better later.

"So momma, how's your business trip with dad at Dunbroch?", Elsa asked. She sat down properly, her hands lying down her lap neatly.

"Aren't you too young to ask about trade and business matters that our kingdom handle?", Iduna giggled as she pinch Elsa's nose. Elsa laughed, nodding.

"Yes I know mother but.. I am kind of curious. I want to learn things in advance", Elsa said politely.

"Well that my dear is not for you yet, you are too young to think about the bigger world. Just relax, someday I will be the one to teach you about it", Iduna kissed her daughter's forehead. She grabbed Elsa's gloved hands, Iduna can feel how cold her daughter's hands were. She rubbed Elsa's palms using her thumbs.

Elsa nodded. "Yes momma, I can't wait to learn", she bit her lower lip as she look at Jack through her peripheral vision.

Iduna knows it's not necessary to ask Elsa about her powers. She know that her little one is not very comfortable when it comes to it. "Momma, I missed Anna. How is she doing? Is she okay?", Iduna remembered Anna falling down the fountain yesterday. She caught a very bad cold.

"She's unwell sweetheart, she fell down the fountain yesterday when she was riding the bike. She caught a very bad cold", Iduna explained. King Agnar is there right now inside Anna's room, looking after his daughter. He made sure to finish his royal duties in speed so he could take care of Anna. Being a parent of two princesses that are separated from each other became a very hard task for them. Not only they suffered mentally but also emotionally. They can't bare to see their daughters apart. Who would want their little ones apart from each other right?

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