Chapter 33

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"Averice For Fear"

We are all someone before we're chosen. Those who stayed good, pure and kind in their previous life are in the best position in the after life, some became a guardian linked to the nature, to the world. A long road of incarnation. A belief that past centuries hold. A memory, a memory stored in a tube taken care by Mother Fairy, Toothiana Fairy. Toothiana sat on top of the boulder, her violet eyes fixed in the clear water of the river. It is the 2nd branch of memories connected in Atohallan.

In her soft, slim and clean hands lies General Pitch's memory box. The black memory tube quietly lay down atop her soft palms. By the looks of it, it's not in good condition and it will be mistaken as a charcoal tube. "Your daughter waits for you everyday, she's losing hope but we chose to encourage her that someday, you will be back as a good general, a good general that will help Manny restore Lunar and protect it", Toothiana said in her soft voice.

Ever since Pitch Black turned into a boogeyman, his memory box won't budge just like Elsa's. "Emily slowly giving up... She's starting to forget who you are in her life", Toothiana said. She move her hands in a circular motion, a diamond shaped portal opened. Behind the portal is a little violet box where there are spells from the heaven that will keep Pitch's memory intact and helps to not cause further damage. "You stole something from us but we won't destroy your memory box", she said.

"After all, we are all guardians", Toothiana slipped the memory tube inside of the portal. The portal closed after. She flew up, heading to her castle. "I wonder ... How Jack and Elsa are doing? I haven't heard from Jack ever since he went out in his second mission", Tooth wondered before doing her duty.


"Long ago when the earth is still in process, stood a healthy kingdom of Lunar. Ruled by King Tsar and Queen Tsarina. They bear a son named Manny, he was the first baby of the royal family. It was a peaceful night when everything turned upside down. An evil spirit lingers around the moon, finding a victim to attach itself. He's sensing where to find a soul full of greed and envy. He found one, his name is General Pitchiner, the most loyal servant of Lunar", Queen Iduna continued to tell her daughters the story.

"......That night everything changed, the happy and healthy kingdom turned disastrous. Nightlight helped Man in the moon escaped. The innocent child doesn't know that his parents have died", Queen Iduna brushed Anna's hair with her fingertips.

"Who is Nightlight mom?", Elsa asked Queen Iduna. She snuggled more against her mother's stomach.

"Nightlight is an entity made by King Tsar and Queen Tsarina", She explained. "He's loyal, friendly, protective. Legend says that whenever a Nightlight made a promise to its special person, he keeps it until the end and makes sure to fulfill that promise", Queen Iduna smiled.

"What happened next?", Anna excitedly asked.

"Man in the moon grew up alone. When the earth's completed and he's fully mature, he assigned many guardians in it's different branches. They are known as the 'guardians of the earth', they protect each and single thing Manny cherishes. They prioritize the children. So stay kind and nice, never sought greed and always choose to be pure. Never be like the boogeyman who is consumed by fear and greed", Queen Iduna smiles and boop Anna's nose. Anna felt sleepiness. She drifted to sleep fast, the children love it when Queen Iduna narrate bedtime stories.

"Yes mother", Elsa yawned.

"Okay my dears, you have to sleep now", Queen Iduna smiled. Elsa politely obeyed her mother's command. She lay down properly, happily pressing her soft little hands on the pillow. The Queen carried Anna and put her down in her bed. Anna's already snoring, tired of being hyper the whole day. Elsa happily smiled when her mother approached her.

Always curious about a few things, Elsa spoke, "Mother I have a question". Queen Iduna smiled, she sat next to her.

"What is it my love?", Queen Iduna smiled tucking Elsa in the bed. She cup her daughter's rosy cheek. Her blue eyes mesmerize her first born's eyes.

"Who is Jack Frost?", Queen Iduna's eyes turned sad. She doesn't know why her heart throb a lot when her daughter asked about the fun guardian. A spell is casted on her the day Frost saved her. It is a protection of the nature. Emily Jane, Mother of Nature casted it to Queen Iduna. The Queen discovered something about the guardians when she was a child. She's as curious as Elsa. "Mother..?", Elsa noticed uneasiness in her mother's face. Her eyebrows furrowed.

"A friend... A friend who protects the children, he works with the guardian of wonder, hope, memory and dreams, a partner of nature and the guardian of fun", Queen Iduna formally smiled. Her response was the definition of Jack Frost from the book of legends. She doesn't know why she doesn't have an urge to open up to her daughter but the feeling of longing for the guardian of fun occurred in her fragile heart.

Elsa remembered the night she asked her mother about the guardian that is next to her. "Jack?", Her turquoise eyes look at his cyan blue. Jack Frost hummed in response, looking back softly at Elsa.

"I know I'm not in the right place to ask you this question but... Did mother and you met before?", Elsa's big blue eyes wait for his answer eagerly. Her hunch tells her otherwise, she have a strong feeling that Jack Frost is connected to the late Queen of Arendelle.

Jack Frost's face soften. He feel his frozen heart got pinched. Mother Nature made him promise not to open up to Queen Elsa. If he ever did, Queen Elsa will be eager to find an answer once she overcome the mess she made. "No", Jack looked away.

Elsa inhaled and nod. "Okay, can you tell me more about your enemy named Pitch? What does he want? What is his motive in killing you all?", She asked. Elsa always want to seek an answer, she want to know why the boogeyman showed in her dreams. She want to know why she kept getting the feeling that Pitch Black's averice for fear is getting high.

"He's greedy for fear. Once he killed us, he will rule over the world and it will be a total black out", Jack said. He clutched Twiner, his fingers curling in his staff. "He's aiming for you. I'm certain", Jack sighed. Elsa's eyes widened. She did not expect his answer. 'Is that the only reason why he returned?', Elsa felt sadness in her heart.

On the other side of the world, Pitch walked around the bronze globe. The lights are glowing brightly. The boogeyman clench his teeth in anger, he pulled his hands behind his back and punched the globe.

"Look Father! I learned how to make a ribbon!", Emily happily ran to her dad. Her little hands showing the ribbon she made for her hair.

"My dear, you look so beautiful. Your creations are beautiful", Pitch laughed and opened his arms for a hug. He used to be a sweet father, a General that is full of dignity and justice.

Pitch held his head, groaning from the memory. "Leave me alone! I don't want to remember all!", He angrily shouted. Dark horses back out, neighing. They're scared when Pitch shout. Memories of him and Emily Jane kept hunting him. Must be Toothiana's will, to remind him that no matter how evil he is, it is not too late to change.



Hello there my snowflakes!

It took a lot of weeks for me to update. Ahh! >•<. Professors are stuffing us a lot of work including research so I'm not able to update. They never give us free time to do what we want to do. They're mushrooms.

Anyway, here I am with a new chapter. Thank you so much for waiting. I promise to make it up for you all.

I love you!~

OMG THANKS FOR 3.14K readers and 400 votes! I love you all again! *tears up and squeal*

See you on the next chapter!

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