Chapter 43

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"The Package"

Queen Elsa stood near her carriage and watched the ships disembark. She was troubled last night. The sun started to shine when the galleons were no longer visible in the gates of the island, her majesty had to return to the palace to start her duty again.

Upon stepping on one of the slab of the carriage, her grip on her skirt slacked as the thought of Prince Jackson entered her mind. "What is he?... I must have hurt his feelings, I soon need to send a letter of apology for leaving abruptly that night..", she thought. Queen Elsa paused, Princess Anna looked at her with such questions within her eyes.

"Elsa?", She asked.

Queen Elsa snapped out of her thoughts about Prince Jackson being related to Jack Frost. She jerked her head to Princess Anna. "Yes?", she answered fast.

" I believe her majesty have a lot of thoughts inside of her head, she just don't want to share them because she's afraid she might be wrong", Olaf said. He hopped on the wheel of the carriage, worriedly looking at Queen Elsa.

Queen Elsa knew that all of the people in Arendelle forgot about Jack Frost after the great thaw for an unknown reason. To her opinion, it was him who should be thanked for. Because he saved her life. "Uh..", Queen Elsa tried to think of an excuse and change the subject but she failed.

"Ah! She might be sad that the smart, charming, kind and flawless prince left", Olaf laughed. Princess Anna gasped, her lips formed a teasing smile behind her palms as she covered her lips. Queen Elsa felt her cheeks flush in bright red, she gripped tighter in her skirt and hopped inside the carriage ignoring Princess Anna.

Princess Anna giggled with Olaf, she knew what was going on. She saw how Prince Jackson gazed at her sister. " Let's help her let it out later", Princess Anna whispered to Olaf. Olaf gasped excitedly, bobbing his head up and down as he clapped. "We will excuse ourselves your majesty, I shall see you in your room later tonight", Princess Anna acted like Prince Jackson that made Lord Kristoff snicker with them.

Queen Elsa did not look at Princess Anna for she knew that she was teasing her, she knew that her sister will ask her a lot of question later. Princess Anna laughed harder. Grabbing Lord Kristoff's arm, she ran to the other carriage with Olaf. The carriage behind Queen Elsa's carriage.

As soon as the assistant closed the carriage doors, Queen Elsa let out a sigh of relief. "Great she must have thought that I like Prince Jackson... Just because he look a lot like Jack Frost", she shook her head. Rubbing her temples, she opened the letter that the prince's gentleman-in-waiting respectfully sent to her. Unraveling the letter, Queen Elsa leaned back and started to read the letter.

'To my dearest majesty,

I deeply apologize for being rash in admitting my feelings for you for I have been captivated by your beauty. Your beauty is both internal and external, I see the way you look after your people and your kingdom. I admire your confidence in leading solo. However, this is not the concern I have in writing this letter. I wrote this letter because I believe the package belongs to you. My mother, Queen Fran of Grandsaire was your mother's best friend many years ago. They both saw a man wearing in navy cape in their dreams. I saw the way you look at me as if you were figuring out who I look like. I get it, inside the package are my mother's letters to your mother about the immortal being they saw in their childhood.

Back at the banquet, the marriage topic. I politely open this to you now, I want to let you know that I have a big respect to the man you are talking about. I knew exactly who he was. The answers are inside the box your majesty, Mother said I was blessed by this man when she was carrying me and that was the last time she saw him.

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