51. Loss of Value.

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I don't know my worth and value,

And so,

I crave the bare minimum,

Because I believe that's all I deserve.

Someone like me could never deserve,

Real love,

A real bond.

A real friendship.

Someone who actually needs me,

And not want.

I don't ask for much.

Nothing with real value.

Just a hand to hold.

An ear to listen,

A voice to reassure.

Some support when I'm low.

I award those,

Who are willing to give me the bare minimum.

In exchange I give them all of me.

I put all my cards into them,

And hope they don't fold.

Every inch of me,





I hold onto them and I never let go.

I give them all my loyalty.

I remain faithful.

Until I'm disposable and no longer benefit.

Knowing I don't ask for much,

A little more is more than I've ever had.

I've realized I lost my worth.

I've realized I lost my value.

Being okay with getting by,

When I know surviving isn't enough,

When I know the luxury of being known,

Is something that is reachable.

Except I've convinced myself,

The bare minimum is enough.

That luxury isn't for the broken like me.

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