15. Broken Tea Cup.

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I don't ever want to fall in love.

I don't want to be in love.

I don't want to give out,

Reasons to love me.

I don't want to give out,

Any reasons to trust.

To trust anyone at that.

I cannot have anyone close.

I refuse to open up to anyone,

When I'm filled with this much hurt.

I don't want to be known.

I want to hide.

I want to disappear.

I want nothing but nothing from no one.

I want to be unacknowledged.

I want to be left alone.

Let me disappear.

Slowly before your eyes.

I no longer have a place here.

No more place left to rise.

Only falling from now on here.

From cliffs.

From your mind.

From constant things I've wanted,

But we're left behind.

I'm stuck in an endless fall.

No plans to lift me up.

No plans but being left behind.

I am weak.

No love here,

No luck.

I have no trust in me.

I have no love to give,

Or to create.

I'm filled with seething self-loathing hate.

I can never love.

I can never have you close.

Close enough to see,

The tiny cracks on my surface.

Close enough to know,

That you could never love,

Something so broken,

Like this tiny broken teacup,

Of pieces left of me.

- Written on 07/18/2020

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