7: S7ven

20 1 0

It turns out I am not as forgiving as I look.

No matter how hard I try.

It seems I am,

Sitting overlooking,

And contemplating on things.

That's just me.

My being.

My essence.

What I bring to the universe.

You realize that you can't keep up.

But know that what I have to offer,

Is detrimental to the overall growth,

Of yourself and of myself as well.

I was not created to bring peace.

I was not,

Created to solve problems.

Nor become something more,

Of what I had to offer.

Therefore I am stuck.

Not sure what I should make of me.

I am not the resolution.

I am the conclusion that there is,

Everything wrong with me.


As a whole,

A wrap.

A person that,

You no longer have to worry about.



It just seems correct.

I am not as it seems.

A flower with its petal,

Blowing slowly,

Briskly past the trees.

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