48. Unexpected Hits.

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I'll be breathing,

Feeling safe,

Happy and content.

And a trigger,

Will take that all away.

A single thought,

The wrong thought.

Brings me to my knees,

Gasping for air,

Grabbing for my chest,

Forgetting I never learned to breathe,

It was given to me.

So how do you remember,

To take those breaths,

When it was never a learned habit?

You forget how to breathe still,

The room spins.

And you're really just gone.

Just remember.

The spinning and gasping.

Is just an unexpected hit.

The world is still the same,

You are okay.

Just breathe,


Then out.

And in again.

Repeat until it becomes a natural instinct.

The natural instinct you're used to.

Remember you are safe.

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