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Chapter 55 | Pitiful faces


I wake up to the sound of loud laughter echoing through the house. It's almost 3pm and I instantly recognise John's booming voice reverberating through the walls and immediately I'm awoken.

Rubbing my eyes, I slowly sit up and swing my legs to the side of the bed, noticing that that pounding in my head has finally resigned.

I also take notice that I feel more energised than I have the entire week and although morning nausea flushes through me, it's somewhat less than usual.

I begrudgingly forcing myself to get up and shuffle over to the bathroom after grabbing some clothes. I take a quick shower and blow dry my hair before slipping on a pair of flared black leggings and a white sweater. I pop my fluffy slippers onto my feet before heading downstairs.

"Ah there she is!" John hollers the moment I step into the kitchen. Everybody's heads turn to face me where I halt mid step in the doorway and I mean everybody: Linh, Mia, Jay, Andrew, Eve, John, Grace, Lucy, my mom, my dad, my abuela and Sofia - the whole crew are there, beaming at me.

I wave meekly. "Hi everybody."

"How are you sweetie?" Eve asks, rushing forward and hauling me into a hug. After pulling away she holds me at arms length, her lips pulled up into a small smile and pity flaring in her bright, green eyes.

"I'm good," I respond with a smile of my own before glazing my eyes across everyone else who stands watching this interaction intently. Their expressions are all mirrored: they all have that identical smile playing on their lips, sympathy drawn across their features and flashing in their eyes.

They all feel sorry for me. I suppress a frown. I hate people pitying me and I hate that look, the one they're all giving me right now.

When my gaze falls upon the kitchen island where there are a multitude of flowers and pies and tupperware filled with several types of food, my stomach begins to churn.

Mia and Grace both gaze up at me guiltily, knowing exactly what I'm thinking.

"I made your fave," Linh cheers breaking the silence that had fallen upon the room. She points to a dish on the counter. "Pecan pie!"

"Oh...thank you!" I say earnestly, trying to seem pleased whilst simultaneously staying neutral. I'm trying not to let my hesitation peek through and keep my face frozen in that generic smile of mine.

John is the next one to speak, pointing to another Tupperware container. "We made chicken alfredo spaghetti!"

"And Jay and I made you soup!" Andrew says proudly to which Jay narrows his eyes at.

He points a finger to his chest. "I made the soup, Andrew did nothing."

"Sure you did," Andrew rolls his eyes and I know they're about to start bickering like the 12 year old boys they still are at heart.

"I cut the veggies and did the shopping-"

"No one cares boys," John sighs with a shake of his head, preventing them from breaking out into yet another argument. I smile for real this time and John catches my expression, his grin only widening.

"Thanks guys...you really shouldn't have," I respond, shuffling my slipper clad feet against the tiled floor. I don't entirely know how to make of the current situation.

Linh waves her hand dismissively. "Oh it was nothing hon, we're just glad you're okay."

I nod, my heart sinking. You're always making everyone worry when they shouldn't be worrying.

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