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Chapter 10 | Mr Bellucas


Unsaved number

Lucas: Hey, it's Lucas
are you okay?

Read at 4:50 pm

Lucas: Bella don't air me,
I want to make sure you're okay.

Me: I'm fine

Lucas: Are you sure?

Read at 5:00 pm

Lucas: Meet me
outside in 10 mins

Me: No

Lucas: Please.

Me: No, sorry,
I'm busy.

Lucas: C'mon
please. It's important.

Read at 5:04 pm

Lucas: Bella

Lucas: Bella, look
through your window.

Lucas: Bella

Me: No

Lucas: Fine I'm coming
over to ur house.

Me: Lucas, stop.

Lucas: Come outside then.

Me: No.

Lucas: I'm gonna keep
annoying you until you do.

Lucas: Hello

Lucas: Hi Hi Hi

Lucas: Belllllaaaa

Read at 5:15 pm

Lucas: Hiiiiiiiii

Lucas: I'm outside
your houseeeee

Lucas: Heeeyy

Me: Fine stop
messaging me and
I'll come outside.

Lucas: Yay

Me: I said stop
messaging me

Lucas: Sorry

Lucas: Okay that was
the last one sorry.

I throw my phone onto the bed and roll my eyes at Lucas' persistence. Walking out of the house, the sound of the neighbours chattering and the gentle rustle of the leaves fill the air and I tug at the sleeves of the hoodie I had thrown on top of my clothes before I left the house, even though it is about 90 degrees outside.

I spot Lucas leaning against the large oak tree that's planted right in between both houses. Maybe because I've calmed down, maybe it's the exhaustion I'm feeling or maybe it's the overwhelming amount of feelings tugging at my heart but I longer feel the urge to slap Lucas across the face when I see him.

He throws me a small, pitiful smile and I immediately know what he wants to talk to me about.

"Lets go to the treehouse," I tell him, nodding towards the backdoor leading to my garden.

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