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Chapter 25 | Hangovers and brown gloop


"Good morning my darlings," My grandmother chirps, walking into my room the next morning with a pip in her step. She steps over Grace who is sleeping soundly on the floor to get to the window and tugs the curtains open.

"Why are you shouting," I groan, covering my eyes with my hands. "And it's too bright!"

"Oops sorry mija," my abuela replies sheepishly, tugging the curtains back closed. "Forgot you all were hungover."

"Hungover?" I briskly sit up on the bed, my eyes flying open. Big mistake. It's like someone has run over my brain with a tractor. "We're, ouch, not, ouch...hungover."

"We are hungover," Mia groans from beside me, moving restlessly. She brings a hand to her head. "It's like someone is smashing my brain with a hammer."

"Shhh," I whisper-yell, poking her with my foot. "We're not supposed to tell her that!"

My abuela sends me a knowing look and I wince my eyes shut. "Please don't tell our mom's," I plead. "I'm still in pain from the last time I got beaten up by Ma's sandal."

My grandmother merely laughs and waves her hand dismissively. "Oh don't worry cariño, when I was your age I got up to much more wilder things that getting drunk at a party on a Friday night."

"So we've heard," Mia croaks, slowly sitting up. "Abuela when are you going to tell us the actual stories?"

"Soon, my loves," she smiles before clasping her hands together. "But for now I have the perfect remedy to get rid of that disgusting hangover. Come downstairs in 20 minutes!"

And with that my abuela, strolls out of the room.

"God I'm never drinking again," I whine after she leaves. "Maybe I shouldn't have drunk so much...it was only my second time drinking too."

"Really?" Mia asks, burying her face in the pillow. "When was your first?"

"I don't know...I think when I just turned fourteen? I can't really remember but my classmates managed to persuade me to join in on one of their field seshes after school." I grimace thinking about the memory. "Let's just say Asda brand alcohol and drunk fourteen year old boys are not a good mix...I never went back ever again."

Mia snorts. "Fun."

I swing my legs to the edge of the bed and sit still for a second, trying to get my head to stop spinning. As I'm doing so, Grace stirs in her sleep.

She's still wearing her costume from yesterday, as am I and Mia, we had simply been too exhausted and drunk to change when Lucas has dropped us off after the party.

It had literally been a struggle, trying to wake up Mia and Grace and trying to haul them out of the car and into my room but we somehow had managed - even though Lucas had been the one doing all the work.

"Where am I?" Grace croaks, rubbing her eyes. "And why does it feel like someone is eating my brain."

"Aidan probably did yesterday," I snort. "From the the way you two had been hardcore making out, I wouldn't be surprised."

"What do you mean?" She groans, pushing her golden locks away from her face. Her brain takes a couple of seconds to catch up with her and when it does she sits up abruptly. "Ouch!" She yells, grabbing her skull with both her hands. Once the shooting pain has stopped she turns to look at me with wide eyes.

"Ohmygod," she gasps. Grace begins to frantically shake her hands in front of her face. "I kissed Aidan!" She exclaims. "I fucking kissed Aidan."

"Yeah you did," I smirk, out stretching my palm so she could high five it. She smacks my hand away.

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