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Chapter 20 | Matchmaker


Here's your drink." Ivy thrusts a small plastic cup in my hand, filled with bright red liquid. I look down at the drink warily, swishing the juice around.

"What is this? It's so bright."

"This was all they had." Ivy shrugs. "This party is so lame, where's the alcohol?" She begins peering around the garden as Aidan stares at her dumbly.

"Um...you do know this is a children's party." He states blinking slowly. "Why would there be alcohol?"

"Ugh see," she turns to me. "Lame party."

"Just go home bitch no one wants you here." Dylan whines, plucking the cup from my hand and chugging the unusual liquid down his throat.

"Shut up Dylan, I'm only here because I'm getting paid. Why would I purposely want to be seen in this stupid ass costume." She tugs at the skirt of the purple Rapunzel costume and grimaces. "At least I still look good though. I think I'm the only one who can pull off a princess dress and still make it look hot."

"Isabella can too," Dylan points out.

"No did you see how it looks on her, it's super baggy and unflattering and her hair," she pauses to make a fake gagging sound. "Why would anyone purposely cut it that short."

I throw her an incredulous look. "She looks fine."

"Yeah," Aidan agrees and Dylan nods his head. "I like her hair, she reminds me of Dora the Explora."

"Go fuck her then if you think she looks fine." Ivy rolls her eyes. "I'm gonna get more Jello." She stalks off leaving Dylan and Aidan sending daggers at her back.

"God I hate her so much," Dylan snarls before pushing my arm. "How are you still with her toxic ass."

Aidan nods in agreement. "For real Lucas, she treats you like shit and is so controlling."

"He is too though," Dylan points out and I furrow my eyebrows. "Don't forget how he  practically punched up Trent."

"He was touching up my girl what the fuck was I supposed to do?" I scoff, running a hand through my hair. "And that's not being controlling, I let her hang out with whoever and do whatever she wants but there's a line and he crossed it. You can't blame me for getting mad."

"Violence is never the answer." Dylan replies solemnly, shaking his head and acting like a wise scholar.

"Shutup," I say, shoving him playfully and rolling my eyes. "If you guys are finished chastising me, I'm gonna go find the bathroom, I need a piss."

"Get me a glass of water on your way back." Dylan clutches his stomach. "That drink tasted funny. I bet Ivy poisoned it or something."

I shake my head and chuckle. "I hope your death is slow and painful then."

"Dick." He narrows his eyes and chucks the plastic cup at the back of my head as I walk away. I look back and send Dylan a cheeky grin before throwing the middle finger in his direction before I go inside.

I weave my way through the gaggle of adults talking in the kitchen and head up the stairs to go to the bathroom.

As I'm walking across the landing I hear a flurry of voices coming from Isabella's room.

"Hey hey hey it'll be okay Bella, take deep breathes." I quickly recognise the voice as Grace's and her words pique my interest.

"C'mon you got this, take a deeeep breathe....now exhale it all out...now do that again." That was Mia.

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