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Chapter 9 | Apologies, anger and tears


"Why did you say that?" I ask Ivy, my eyebrows furrowed as I watch Mia and Grace drag a frankly, mortified Isabella away.

"What?" She replies, an innocent expression on her face.

"Ivy don't try that with me." I glare at my girlfriend. "Why did you lie? I never said she was big, I just showed you a picture of us when we were little and you said she was chubby."

She shrugs, staring at her nails, looking bored and unbothered. "Whatever it's not a big deal," she sighs exasperatedly. "Let's just get to homeroom before we're late."

I make a mental note to apologise to Bella as Ivy drags me away to class, her acrylic nails digging into my arm like claws.

We spot Luna waiting for us by her locker and she gives me a small smile in greeting before talking to Ivy in that hushed little whisper voice of hers, only loud enough so that only Ivy can hear what she was saying.

As we continue to walk through the hall, I finally peel off Ivy's hand and wince at the little crevices her nails made in my arm just as Jason, one of my teammates sidles up next to me.

"Hey man!" He greets, with a huge grin plastered on his face. "Great party last night!"

I wince at his loud, booming voice. Although I'm able to mask my hangover on the outside, on the inside it's as if someone is smashing a hammer to my brain repeatedly. "Thanks bro," I reply, massaging my temples. "Don't think I'm going to be having a party at mine for a while though."

"What?" Jason asks, his eyebrows furrowed. "Why not?"

"My place got trashed yesterday."

He frowns, looking kind of disappointed. "Oh is that it?"

Not only that, but also because it pissed off Isabella.

Well from what I even remember, I could've hallucinated that encounter for all I know because I had been drunk out of my mind.

But I keep that second thought to myself.

"Alright well, I'll see you around!" I tell Jason as I head into form, Mrs Abbott waving at us as she stands in the doorway.

"Good morning everybody! Take a seat!" She chirps, her voice echoing through the room as the other students file into class.

I spot only familiar faces as my eyes glaze over everybody sitting down and it seems that our homeroom class is the same as it has been since freshman year.

Mrs Abbott continues to natter on about Junior year and how it's so important blah blah and for the most part I zone out, slyly checking my phone from under the desk. However, one sentence does catch my attention and I briskly snap my gaze from my phone back to the front of the class.

"Let's give a warm welcome to the newest addition to our class!" Mrs Abbot gestures towards Isabella, who stands at the front, practically cowering beside her. She has a small smile on her face and waves awkwardly as she introduces herself. "Hi, I'm Isabella!"

"You're British!" someone from the front points out and Bella laughs nervously alongside a couple other people in the class.

"Um not really," she responds. "I mean I grew up here but I moved to London six years ago but now I'm back."

"Oh, well your accent is British!"

"So was your old school like Hogwarts?"

"Do you have tea and crumpets?"

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