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Chapter 19 | Tangled


Preparations for Sofia's birthday party were underway and with very little time to spare and the appearance of my father - my mother was going crazy.

"No not there you stupid twat, I said over THERE!" She screams causing my grandma to scurry away as fast as her elderly legs could take her looking absolutely petrified as I try to loosen the deathly grip my mother had on my wrist. Her nails dig into my skin and I wince.

"Ma," I hissed. "You're hurting me!"

She briskly drops my arm and throws me a sheepish look. "Right sorry, I'm just stressed." Peering down at the post it clasped in her other hand she scans over her mini to-do list. "Okay the last thing left to do is set out the table where the cake is going to go, you think you can manage that mija whilst I change Sof-PUTA!"

I jump back in shock at my moms abrupt tone and choice of vocabulary and follow her line of sight to see my father strolling into the garden. His eyes lock with my moms and narrow almost immediately. My mom crosses her arms across her chest protectively and I just watch as the two of them stare each other down with murderous gazes.

"Alright..." I begin, flitting my eyes back and forth between the two of them. "I, er, am gonna go get the table ready now, why don't you go upstairs and get Sofia in her outfit." When she doesn't budge from her spot, I grab my moms arm and drag her past my dad and back into the house.

I then send my dad packing to the grocery store to pick up more 'soda' for an entire hour whilst we get the rest of the party set up seeing as instead of helping, he's only getting my mother more riled up.

After I've dealt with the parents I whip my hair into a messy ponytail before heading into the shed to get the table out. I say ponytail but it's looks more like a rats nest with bits of hair escaping the band and framing my face.

I roll up the sleeves of my shirt and begin trying to drag the table out of the shed where it's jammed in between a handful of other junk that had been shoved into the shed when we came back from London. I tug and tug but alas it's no use, the thing doesn't bloody budge.

I lean over the table to try and push the other stuff away. What the hell is in here? Half of the junk weighs a ton and doesn't move at all when I try to push them to the side.

With a disgruntled grunt I stand back up straight and get out the shed muttering a bunch of obscenities under my breath.

"You need help with that?"

Bloody fucking hell. The voice startles me and I press a hand to my chest, shocked by the presence of someone standing right behind me.

In the dark I can barely make out the persons face, all I see are the shadows of a sharp nose, plump lips and a mop of unruly hair and by only those three features I already recognise the person.

"God Lucas you scared me," I huff stepping back into the light of the garden. I blink, trying to adjust to the sun. "What are you doing here anyways? The party doesn't start for another hour."

"I thought I would come round to see if you guys needed any help setting up." He runs a hand through his hair and glances over my head. "And by the looks of it I want right."

"No," I say stubbornly. "I got this."

"You sure?" He quirks an eyebrow as I nod and walk back into the shed.

I reach out once again and grasp the metal in my hand, pulling with all my might but it still doesn't bloody budge!

"C'mon please table just move!" I groan, pulling even harder than before, but still, there's no movement.

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