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Chapter 37 | Brunch


I'm met with a flurry of greetings as I clamber into the backseat of Sammy's car.

"Hiii!" I reply as I put on my seatbelt. "I'm so excited for this double date!"

Grace nods beside me. "Me too because me and Isabella are so in love," She adds sarcastically before plopping a kiss on the side of my cheek. "Look at us."

"I just adore Grace's....tallness," I add in a monotonous voice to which Mia spins around from the passenger seat with a frown.

"Hey! It's not my fault I wanted to do a triple date and Aidan bailed and you," she narrows her eyes at me, "don't have a boyfriend."

I roll my eyes. "Why am I getting shouted at for being lonely?"

"You don't need to be lonely! I've tried countless times to try and set you up with-"

"Mia you were setting me up with boys in America when I was in England! How would that bloody work?"

She reaches back and pokes me in the arm. "So are you, that is currently sitting in this car right now which is in the US by the way, not Isabella freaking Quintero? Are you some figment of my imagination? Huh? HUH?"

"Oh shut up Mia."

"No you shut up."

"No you."

"No you."

"No you."

"No you."

"Guys the food in the brunch place is amazing, I can't wait for you to try it." Sammy chuckles from the drivers seat and squeezes Mia's knee, changing the subject from our childish bickering just as I open my mouth to argue back to Mia.

"I'm excited babe," Mia replies, smiling brightly and staring at her boyfriend adoringly just as I lean back in my seat, crossing my arms stubbornly, staring out of the car window.

The rest of the car ride is fairly silent, well from my part anyways. Mia and Sammy continue nattering throughout the car journey and Grace giggles out loud once in a while as she texts Aidan who is stuck in his grandma's house for thanksgiving break.

She finally looks up from her phone when her charge is close to running out, tucking it into the pocket of her jeans. "Isn't brunch something fancy old people do?" Grace asks, her gaze falling on something out of the window. Before anyone can answer her question she's gasping for air and we all stare at her concerningly. "Also is that the fucking place?" She adds, slapping a hand over her mouth.

I lean over Grace and peer up at the building from the window, my mouth falling open as Mia nods her head, answering Grace's question.

"But the building is so posh!" I exclaim, staring at Mia in bewilderment as Sammy pulls into the parking lot.

"Mi I'm not dressed the part!" Grace whines, leaning back and bashing her head on the back of her seat dramatically. "I'm wearing jeans!"

"It's fine." Mia makes a dismissive gesture with her hands. "I wanted to be sophisticated for once, I'm tired of eating at McDonald's."

"Bro a glass of water here is going to cost 60 dollars," I groan quickly looking through my purse to see how much money I had in it.

"Girls it'll be fine," Sammy adds with a smile, not seeming at all bothered by mine and Grace's grumbling. "Brunch is on me!"

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