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Chapter 67 | Humiliation day p2


a little visual for this chapter, the next and the previous one :)

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a little visual for this chapter, the next and the previous one :)

"I'm going to fall on my ass and die!" I shriek holding onto the penguin walker Lucas forced me to get when I told him I've never ice skated before.

More people turn around to glare at us, although this time not from Lucas looking...well, y'know, but because of the umpteenth time I've screamed dramatically since getting on the ice.

"You're not going to die, I've got you," Lucas assures me, gripping my arms tightly to ensure that I don't fall as he glides us both inch by inch across the ice.

"How do people find this fun?" I groan, strengthening my hold on the walker. "This is a death trap! My finger could get cut off from the skates and that's not fun because I like all my fingers!"

"It is fun Izzy, once you get the hang of it."

"Sure," I reply dryly. "My butt is numb from the cold and bruised from the amount of times I've fallen, that sounds like super fun doesn't it?"

"It's fine," he laughs. "I'll massage your ass for you after we finish if you wan-"

He's cut off by a grunt when I shove him out of the way with my hip, wobbling slightly before gripping back onto the walker for stability.

"I was joking," Lucas huffs.

I ignore him and continue trying to glide forward, watching as families and kids skate past us with ease. I stare at this incredulously wondering how they make it look so easy.

"Ugh today was supposed be a day where I get to enjoy watching you get humiliated, not you watch me be dramatic about falling and cracking my skull open."

Lucas levels me with another look. "It's alright, there's just half an hour left then we can get off," he continues to assure me, not even seeming bothered by my annoying ass complaining.

"Fine," I groan. "But I give up trying to learn, you can skate I'll just...stay here."

"No giving up," Lucas raises a brow and pulls me forward.

"Why not?"

"Because I said so."

"That's not a proper reason."

Lucas sighs. "Because..." he begins, flitting his eyes across the ice rink before gesturing to a 7 year old whizzing around us like he's a pro. "If that little boy can do it, then so can you."

I turn my head to gaze at the kid just as the boy turns around and snickers when he see's the deathly grip I have on the penguin...or Lucas dressed like...that - either way however, I narrow my eyes and give him the finger.

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