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Chapter 70 | Remember when


"Bella, I was just on the phone with Sammy and he says Leo is coming down next week for spring break and he wants to know if you're free."

I almost swerve off the road.

"Jesus Christ," Isabella's hair flies around her head as she shoots me a 'what the hell' look and clutches onto her seatbelt for dear life.

"Sorry," I mumble. "Thought I saw a duck in the road."

Throwing me another incredulous look, she twists in her seat to look behind at Mia. "Um yeah I'm free, tell him to message me."


"What day is he coming down?"

"Next Saturday."

"Oh cool."

I clear my throat and side glance back at Isabella. "I thought you didn't do...flings."

"Flings?" She repeats, directing her attention to me. eyebrows furrowing together. "Who said anything about a fling, we're just going to hang out."

I scoff and try not to let any bitterness show through my voice. "You sure he knows you guys are just going to hang out?"

"Er yes," Mia chides from the back and when I meet her gaze in the review mirror, there's a humorous expression drawn across her features. "He's not interested in having a fling with Bella anymore, Sammy said he found someone else. He really just wants to hang out with her."

"See," Bella quips just as Mia sends me a knowing look, like she can see right through me. I roll my eyes and look back onto the road.

"I still don't trust that guy, there's something off about him."

"You're the only one who thinks that Luke."

"No I'm not."

"Yes you are."

"No I'm not...Dylan doesn't like the guy either."

"Dylan hasn't even met Leo."

"Shut up."

Bella sticks her tongue out at me.

"You're so immature," I snort with a shake of my head, turning forward, waiting a second before turning back to face her and sticking my tongue out at her.

"You're so immature," she mimics, shoving me with her elbow.

"Guys," Mia sighs exasperatedly from the back in the midst of Bella and I's childish bickering.


"Literally just make out already," she returns in a tired voice. "You two have your tongues out so you might as well."

Isabella immediately recoils and swivels around to glare at her friend. Mia simply sits back grinning innocently.

"Mia what's gotten into you today!" Bella scolds.

"Nothing," she shrugs her shoulders and pokes her head in between the two front seats. "It's just the sexual tension between you guys is making my hair go static and I just want that to end, I don't like having frizzy hair." She ends her sentence with an exaggerated pout, jutting her bottom lip out and giving us puppy dog eyes.

Isabella slaps Mia's forehead and pushes her back down into her seat via her face, the glare on Isabella's face only intensifying. She looks so adorably mad that I break out into laughter.

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