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Chapter 90 | Rain, rain, rain


Lucas and I step outside the arcade after killing a good 2 hours inside and it's as if we've stepped into another dimension.

Our crazy, sweaty, delirious states halt to a pause at the sight of torrential rain and stormy weather.

"What the..." I gape as fat droplets of rain pelt onto my skin, my eyes widening as I watch the strong wind begin to pick up and crowds disperse as they run for cover. I let out an irritated groan. "It said it was going to be sunny today!"

"Aw man, I wanted to swim," Lucas frowns from beside me, still gripping OG Mr Bellucas in his hand as Mrs Bellucas is held in mine.

"Me too!" I grumble, staring down at my tote bag where my swimming costume was now sitting at the bottom uselessly.

I had actually grown the courage to pack a swimming costume that I was actually considering wearing today...in public. Sure, I wasn't courageous enough to pick out a bikini but the cute, olive green one piece I had wanted to wear was still a major step out of my comfort zone but now I guess it would just burn a hole at the bottom of my bag and not be used.

I'm surprised that it's disappointment that flutters through me and not relief and I guess the disappointment is etched all over my face because Lucas squeezes my shoulder comfortingly, he knew about my plan because I had told him on the drive over here. "Come, let's sit, maybe the storm will pass after a bit." He says, pulling me to sit beside him on the steps outside the arcade, overlooking the rest of the boardwalk and all the frazzled people running about.

Food, gift and ice cream vendors are trying to briskly shut their shutters to keep the rain out, parents are hauling children into random restaurants and diners to keep them un-wet and people run up onto the boardwalk from the beach portion of the beach to escape the thrashing waves and the sand that the wind is throwing into the air.

It's pure chaos and Lucas and I seem to be the only calm one's simply sitting down and watching this mayhem unfurl.

Lucas tucks me into his side, the rain pattering down on both of us, molding our clothes to our skin and dampening our hair.

"We're gonna catch a cold," I murmur a couple of minutes later just as a shiver courses down my spine. Lucas envelops his arms tighter around me, using his own body heat to preserve warmth. The heat he's emitting is a nice contrast to the windy weather and cool rain.

"But it's peaceful isn't it?" He asks and I pause taking in our surroundings once again.

I find myself slowly nodding in agreement as I take everything in. Barely 5 minutes have passed and the entire beach seems to have completely deserted. Everyone has headed inside away from the rain and the quiet hum of people in the arcade, restaurant and shops can barely be heard over the loud downfall of rain, it makes it seem like Lucas and I are the only ones left outside.

"It is," I agree and lean my head onto Lucas' shoulder as we fall into a comfortable silence just waiting and hoping the storm will soon pass.

As more time goes by however, the rain only seems to increase. The wind does lessen ever so slightly but the rain continues to tumble out of the darkened sky to the point where I'm continually having to rub water from my eyes as the droplets blur my vision.

It's only about 3pm but the sky is so dingy and gloomy it feels as if it's nearing sunset. The smell of rain and salt from the sea is prominent in the air and my clothes are so drenched to the point it's not even uncomfortable anymore. The sounds of the waves violently crashing against each other decrease as the vicious wind comes to a standstill and an eerie sense of serene washes over the beach.

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