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Chapter 42 | Grounded


The shrill sound of my phone ringing is pure torture.

Refusing to open my eyes knowing the bright sunlight peeking through the blinds would only heighten the effects of my hangover, I blindly grab my phone and press on the screen randomly hoping it clicked answer.

"Hello?" I grumble into the device once the ringing stops. I tug the duvet up and over my head to block out any light streaming into my room and slowly peak my eyes open to see who was calling me at this horrendous hour.

Once my eyes adjust to the brightness of screen, I let out an annoyed groan.

"What Lucas?" I snap, bringing the phone back to my ear. "Why are you calling me at this time? I was sleeping!"

"I'm coming over," he replies, there's a lot of rustling about in the background and there is a sense of urgency in his voice. "My parents are driving me crazy."

Before I can even reply, he ends the call.

Fine by me, I can go back to sleep for a little while longer.


The duvet is stripped away from me as I press my head deeper into the pillow, using my hair to shield my left eye from the sun.

God dammit, did he have to come so quickly?

I had drifted back off to sleep barely 30 seconds after Lucas had ended our call and was getting into the good part of my dream where Theo James was about to confess his undying love for me when this imbecile had decided to wake me up.

Lucas doesn't even wait for me to open my eyes until he begins speaking. I hear his footsteps against my carpeted floor as he paces up and down my room.

"They're driving me crazy, like really fucking crazy," he begins rambling, speaking 90 bloody miles per bloody hour. "They've grounded me until the new year and had me wake up at 6 am to clean up the fucking mess from yesterday."

"I would've got hit by a shoe and right now would've been on the plane back to Colombia if I was in your position, be grateful," I mumble, my eyes still screwed shut. "Also what are you doing here if you're grounded?"

"This is only place I'm allowed to go to that is not school or football practice or the gym because my mom told abuela to keep an eye out on me and because they think you and I we're dating."

It takes a second for my brain to process what he had just said but when it does I shoot up from my bed. "WHAT?" I groan, bringing a hand to my head as a sharp pain shoots through my skull. "What do you mean they think we're dating?"

Lucas' pacing increase. "Well after catching us...ehem, you know-"

"You can just say making out you know, I'm too hungover to make a big deal out of this right now."

"Ok whatever, anyways, after that my mom scolded me saying that I shouldn't mess around with you because you're a nice girl and she doesn't want you to get hurt, whatever that means and I said no mom it's not like that and then she was like what and her eyes sort of lit up which was weird and then she suddenly started rambling about how she is so happy for us that we're serious and that I found someone better than Ivy and then I didn't have the heart to tell her that we're not actually dating because after that she reduced my grounding from my birthday to new years. But can you still believe they've grounded me until the new year?"

"It's still better than getting hit by a shoe." I prise my eyes open, finally taking a good look at Lucas.

He looks...not hungover. His hair is damp like he just had taken a shower and his cheeks are flushed pink but other than that he looks completely fine and that...angers me.

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