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Chapter 87 | The Date (God knows what chapter we're on) : Tangled


"OHMYGOSH!" Bella's squeal can probably be heard from a mile away as we pull up into the allocated parking spot and I finally allow Isabella to open her eyes and take in the sight that befalls us.

Isabella's head turns so fast so that she can meet my gaze, her messy hair whipping around her as her mouth curls into the biggest grin I've ever seen on her face. "A drive in movie theatre?" She clasps her hands excitedly and my own lips involuntarily lift to mirror her smile as I nod my head.

"I've always, always wanted to go to one!" Her eyes turn back to the front of the car, scanning the surroundings, watching as other cars pile into the parking lot before flitting to the big screen that the movie that has not yet begun to play will be showcased on.

"I know," I nod once again with a chuckle, watching her eyes as they light up, my own eyes growing fond as I continue to watch her, "it's exactly why I wanted to take you to one."

"And I'm so glad you are this is fucking awesome!" She squeals once again and I genuinely think this is the most excited I've ever seen Isabella.

My smile grows further in immediate reaction to her excitement.

Yep, I'm now very much regretting even considering agreeing to go on Mia and Grace's date. Sure, the picnic was extremely fun but if I knew my own date idea would have made Bella this happy, the two of us could've could've escaped paintballing. Why oh why did I think my original date idea was too simple? Isabella absolutely loves this and that's all without even knowing what movie we're watching.

As if hearing my thoughts, Isabella asks that very question. "So what movie are we watching?" Her eyes side glance my way and she tucks a strand of chocolate coloured hair behind her ear. Her hair by now is quite messy, she looks like Einstein with hair standing up all around her face and her braid all soggy and basically non existent.

I reach forward and pat down some of the escaping strands. "Tangled," I tell her as she stares up at me anticipatingly and I grin as she swings her arms around my neck.

"Hell the fuck yes!" She all but screams into my ear. "Woohoo!"

She cuts off her own screaming by beginning to kiss me senseless and I laugh against every peck she presses against my mouth. I do have to stop her from her mouth assault a second later however, before she gets too carried away. Isabella still is very much sexually frustrated, very evident in the fact that she had mauled me at every red light on the 20 minute drive over here and unfortunately, as much as I want to keep making out with her, the movie is about to start in about a good minute or so and I still have to set up the backseat of the car so we can watch more comfortably.

Isabella pouts as I pull away from her so I kiss her lips once more for good measure. Her mood perks up anyways once she hears the beginning disney intro start to play out and her attention snaps to outside the window.

I quickly set up the back of the car whilst she's immersed in watching the intro credits, pulling up the trunk and pushing down the back two seats down before throwing a couple blankets onto the makeshift seats and calling Isabella to come get in the back so we can get comfortable.

I help her get into the back and she shuffles backwards as I stretch my legs out in front of me. Once I'm seated properly, Isabella leans into my side, wrapping her arms around my torso as she rests her head against my chest.

"I have a confession to make," Bella suddenly says, as the disney intro fades into the beginning of the movie. Her voice causes my eyes to dart down towards her.

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