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Chapter 85 : The date: chapter 2: the picnic


After Lucas had stormed into my room, eyes narrowed and brimming with anger over the fact his phone had crashed due to every blaring and consecutive alarm Grace had set and then once he had calmed down had proceeded to fawn all over me and effectively smear all my lipgloss (if you know what I mean); the two of us had set off for chapter 2 of our date to commence.

Mia and Grace had given us limited information for this next part of the date except for shoving us into Lucas' car and pointing at that bloody picnic basket sitting in the backseat claiming everything we needed was in there, so currently Lucas was mindlessly driving around with no clue where to go.

"Well I think the most sensible idea would be to go to a park," I suggest when we hit the 5 minute mark of our drive and jut my thumb over my shoulder gesturing to the picnic basket in the back. "I mean I'm pretty sure they're just sending us on a picnic."

"No way would Mia and Grace send us to something normal like a picnic, I bet whatever is in that basket is something we'd never expect."

"Ah, true..." I agree, pulling my lips into my mouth.

Lucas side glances my way - well more like side glances down at my boobs. "Why don't you just check to see what's inside?"

I smack his forehead with my palm so that he lifts his gaze to my eyes. "They said not to open the basket until we reach our location."

Lucas smiles sheepishly before making a big deal of looking around the car once we pull into a red light. "Do you see them anywhere here? Bells, I think we can take a peek, they'll never know."


I'm about to rebute when my phone dings with an incoming notification, pulling my attention onto the lit up screen and effectively shutting my mouth.

I sigh. "It's them," I say out loud to Lucas as I read the message. "They've given us a location."

MiaTheTittylicious: Please drive to Warrenlake park, I will link the location down below.


"Jeez, do they have a camera in here or something? How did they know what we were about to do?" Lucas asks as he leans closer to me so he can read the text. His close proximity sends a wave of his cologne up my nostrils and I actually get butterflies from the scent. Butterflies!

I shake my head and snicker. "I don't know but I reckon the two of them just have an Isabella-Lucas instinct."

"True," Lucas agrees with a scrunch of his nose. "Does that mean we can't take even a little peek?"

"No," I return, raising both my eyebrows. "Let's keep it a surprise."

"Fine," Lucas pulls back with a huff so he's sitting properly in his seat again. As he moves away, my eyes follow his movement and I quickly take the time to rake my eyes down his frame for the umpteenth time today, motivated by the swarm of butterflies still fluttering my stomach from the whiff of cologne I had gotten only moments before.

Lucas is plugging in the location Mia had sent into the gps before beginning to drive again as my gaze makes the journey down from his styled hair, gelled to tame the unruly strands, all the way to his jean clad legs. Mia and Grace had dressed him in a simple short sleeved, black, unbuttoned, button down over a white t-shirt paired with blue jeans on his long legs. His outfit was simple but it complimented mine well.

"God, they're sending us somewhere an hour away," Lucas tells me, snapping me out of my blatant ogling and causing my eyes to flit onto the gps.

When the numbers 1 hour and 15 minutes flare back at me I instantly reach for my phone and the aux cord. "Oh my God. We definitely need my road trip playlist for this."

"Of course," Lucas snickers.

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