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Chapter 27 | Mia's aggressive kicks


The first lesson of the day is PE.

So fun, I know.

It is even more extremely fun considering the fact I am stuck in a team where the girls treat each game like it's the Olympics. (Can you sense the sarcasm?)

"Isabella, why don't you...stand over there," a girl whose name I didn't bother to learn because she's rude, smiles falsely at me, baring her teeth thus causing herself to look like a freaky dog.

"Sure," I reply, walking extra slowly to where she had been pointing at, purposely trying to aggravate her and so far it's working; she begins to tap her feet against the floor rapidly and I'm surprised she doesn't drill a hole into the ground by the intensity she's beating the poor floor with.

"Isabella hurry up, we don't have all day for you," another girl whines and I peer my head to see Ivy sneering at me, surprise, surprise. Of course she would be on my team.

I narrow my eyes at her, her presence reminding me of the events that went down in registration.

I had arrived into home room after escaping from Aidan and his attempt in trying to expose me, to find Ivy waiting angrily for me by my desk. She had pounced on me after discovering that Lucas had gotten me McDonalds on the drive home after the party, absolutely fuming over the fact her boyfriend was buying another girl food.

Believe me. I hadn't been that proud of myself for devouring a 20 piece box of nuggets either.

Anyways, after yelling at me...and myself ultimately allowing her to (because her nails seemed to have increasing in length over the weekend and I was not about to get my face scratched up by this angry puta). She had sauntered away from me and back to Lucas, who of course, was completely oblivious to his girlfriends maniacal antics and began kissing him very passionately, in what I think was hopes into getting me jealous.

It worked of course. No it did not. Yeah it did. Nope. Nope. Nope. Shut up subconscious.

"Okay Mia, you're in Team A," Coach Parker announces pointing to my team, snapping me out of my fight with my highly irritating subconscious.

As Mia begins to approach the part of the pitch where our team is spread out, everybody groans - myself included.

"Coach does she have to play today!" The dog girl moans and several others nod their heads in agreement.

"Yeah please let her sit out!"

"Hey! Shut it all of you!" Mia shoots back at all of us, putting her hands on her hips defensively.

It's not that everyone was mad because Mia was necessarily bad at soccer (unlike me who had zero hand-eye-feet coordination) but because Mia was extremely competitive. So competitive in fact, that if she had the ball she would never pass to anyone else, thus making her a horrible team player...and also because she would take out someone's eye if deemed necessary in order to win...which was unlucky for the opposing team.

"No, I'm afraid not," Coach Parker replies, looking down at her clipboard.




"No and that's final."

After sorting out the teams and both team captains failing to persuade Coach to put Mia out of the game, we begin to put on our bibs and prepare for the game.

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