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Chapter 76 | Cars


I'm seated in the passenger seat of Mia's car, arms crossed across my chest stubbornly, sitting upright as the two of them try to coax me into getting out of the vehicle. We have been parked for a good 15 minutes and I haven't budged from my seat at all since then.

My friends are liars.

The moment I had stepped foot inside Mia's car after hastily getting dressed, I had demanded for Mia and Grace to give me the hint they had promised to give if I had gotten ready.

But they hadn't.

Even after they had promised!

Grace had sat shotgun as Mia drove and for the entirety of the car ride, they had droned out my demands by blasting the aux on full volume and had ignored me the whole time.

But now you see, the joke was on them, because now I was giving them a taste of their own medicine.

"Isabella c'mon, look we're here! Don't you want to see what's happening at 2PM?" Grace speaks, trying to persuade me. Her tone is pleading and when I don't respond, she shoots Mia who is standing beside her an exasperated look.

I keep my lips zipped shut and my gaze straight ahead, at the wall Mia has parked in front of.

The sounds of cheers and laughter and chatter reach my ears and even though my curiosity is killing me and I'm filled with the urge to just turn and look out the side window to see what is happening; my stubbornness is stronger.

I know we were at the school or somewhere near the school. The roads had been familiar as Mia had been driving but at the same time I wasn't quite sure. For one, I was confused. It didn't make sense why she would bring us here when we were on break. It also didn't make sense why it seemed to be so noisy when the school was supposed to be empty because we were on spring break, which all made me believe that maybe we were elsewhere, away from school grounds.

"Bella I can see you're curious about what we're doing here, so why don't you just get out of the car so we can explain," Mia adds, her voice soft.

She's met with silence.

"Isabella please."

Pure and utter silence.


Grace and Mia continue to stare down at me from the open car door pleadingly and when I still don't answer a good 30 seconds later; Mia growls.

"Fine," she barks, annoyed. "C'mon Grace, I know a way to get Isabella to come out of the car."

She slams the car door angrily, causing the frame to rattle and me to jump in surprise. I hear Mia continuing to curse me out as her and Grace retreat away, all whilst I force myself to wait a beat before turning my head to look out of the window.

Expecting the view to ease my confusion, I find that looking out of the window only seems to heighten my confusion. My assumptions are granted correct. We are actually at the school.

My eyebrows furrow as I try to take everything in - we'll try to anyways, (my view is still obscured with the sight of the wall).

The reason for this wall, I quickly realise, is because we're parked right in the corner of the school's parking lot, quite far away from the main building and quite far away from where any non creepy math teacher chooses to park their cars. Which is odd because the rest of the parking lot seems to be, or should be empty (again, it's spring break! There should be no one here!)

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