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Chapter 14 | Shopping


"Go away," I grumble, smacking away the person who is disturbing my peaceful Saturday lie in. I press my cheek deeper into the pillow and pull the duvet up and over my head, trying to cover the bright ray of light flooding into my room through the window.

"Do you think it's a good idea to wake her up?"

"Um yes, it's literally 4pm and sis is still in bed."

"But what if she's...you know...cranky."

"But we have urgent things to discuss! Cranky Isabella is better than stressed and disorganised Bella."

"Okay fine...but if she attacks me it's on you."

I feel a gentle poke on my shoulder only a moment later. "Hey wake up."

I swat their hand away. "Nghsh."

Another poke. "Dude you need to get up, we're all waiting for you."


"Yes c'mon," I feel another jab on my shoulder, this one slightly harder. "Get up Belly."

"Mhghm," I reply falling back into my slumber.

There is peace and quiet for a short while until my brain finally catches up and begins to process the voice of the person that is attempting (and failing) to wake me up.

It's too deep to be my mom or my grandma or even Mia and Grace...Sofia can barely even say 'mama' let alone utter an entire sentence...and there's only one person who calls me by that horrendous nickname-

"ARGH!" My eyes fly open and I sit up in bed abruptly, pulling my blanket over my chest. I press a hand to my temple to stop the aching from the head rush I got from getting up too fast and continue groaning.

"Finally!" He chuckles, crossing his arms across his chest.

"What are you doing here?" I croak, prying my eyes open. It takes a moment for my eyes to adjust to the disgusting bright light encasing my room.

"To hang out," Lucas responds pointedly, staring at me blankly like I had said something stupid.

I furrow my eyebrows in confusion. "But...didn't I reject your invitation yesterday?"

There's a pause and then: "...not that I recall of no." He stops to grin widely. "In fact you seemed to be over the moon and gleefully said yes when I asked if you wanted to hang out."

I let another pause fill the air.

"...So let me get this straight." I reply after quite some time, rubbing my eyes with the back of my hand so hard that I begin to see those swirly things. "First you make me do the assignment by myself...then you get me a detention...and now you're stalking and borderline harassing me?!" I narrow my eyes at Lucas, who seems unfazed by my evident anger towards him. "Do you want me to hate you even more or something?"

He waves his hand dismissively. "We'll have fun today don't you worry."

I groan and fall back into my pillow with a thud.

"I feel like we're interrupting a moment here." A hushed whisper catches my attention and I hastily turn my head to look at the two girls huddled in the corner of my room who I hadn't noticed before.

"You two," I point menacingly at Mia and Grace and they both raise their hands in mock surrender. "Which one of you invited him?"

"None of us," Mia begins to say just as Grace points frantically at Mia.

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