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Chapter 11 | Jealousy and
50s style diners


It had been a couple of weeks since the first day of school and the deadline for the big history project was nearing. I hadn't spoken to Lucas very much since that first day. He had been busy with football training and I had been busy with school work so it was fairly easy to avoid him. The only times I really talked to him was in History class and sometimes in homeroom but it wasn't very much as Ivy would always send daggers in my direction the moment I was even a mile radius around her boyfriend.

In all honestly the project had completely slipped my mind even after Mr Carters' constant reminders, so when Lucas texts me regarding the assignment I'm shocked to say the least.

Unsaved Number

Lucas: So when do you
want to start the project?

Me: Project?

Lucas: Bro did you
forget? The history one...

Me: Omg

Me: I completely
forgot about that.

Lucas: Of course
you did dumbass.

Lucas: You free this week?

Me: Yeah, does
Wednesday after
school work for you?

Lucas: Yep, I have a free
house we can work there.

Me: What time?

Lucas: How about 5?

Me: Okay see you then.

I knock on Lucas' door for the fourth time, struggling to keep hold of the number of books that are piled in my arms as I wait for Lucas to open the door.

I had gone straight to the town library after school to get the books and old news articles that we would need for the project.

I lift my fist to knock again, getting frustrated by this point but just as I am about to do so the front door flies open revealing non other than the devil herself.

"What are you doing here?" Ivy practically snarls at me. She's wearing one of Lucas' t-shirts and her hair is a complete mess. I'm about to answer her when a male voice calls out from inside and Lucas hurdles to the front door only a moment later.

"Isabella what are you doing here?" He asks, breathlessly as he stands behind Ivy, holding onto the top of the door. He is shirtless and a thin layer of sweat lines his abdomen. His hair is also disheveled and a pair of grey sweats hang low on his hips.

I grimace as I put two and two and realise what the pair were up to.

"I'm here for the project," I sigh, gesturing towards the pile of books in my hand and Lucas's eyes widen in shock and I blow out a fustrated breath.

"You forgot didn't you?" I ask, slightly annoyed and Lucas nods slowly, closing his eyes and wincing.

He flashes me an apologetic smile. "Look," he begins as I tap my foot impatiently. "Why don't you wait inside and I'll um quickly clean up then we can get started."

Ivy whines from beside Lucas and my gaze snaps back to her. "What about me?"

"Um, sorry babe, can we hang out another time? This project is important."

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