Chapter 35 - Poopoofatbabyfart

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Just you you guys know, when I say class in this chapter, I'm talking about the list of students from the last chapter. This included Mina, Ochaco, Koji, Kyoka, Shoto, Katsuki, and Momo. Thank you @-UNBREAKBLEICE for this chapters title! And thank you all for waiting for this chapter, I fell into a bit of a writing block, but I'm better now, and I also quite like this chapter. Once again, thank you guys for reading! and i hope you enjoy!!!!!

Midoriya stood over the city, the scene reminding him of when he retrieved Eri from the Yakuza. He remembered the day very clearly, how terrified Eri was, and how angry Overhaul was. It hurt him so much to see Eri in that state, he remembered how his heart clenched when he saw the fear simmering in her eyes, when he was forced to hold her back when Overhaul threatened her. She wanted to save Izuku, even when she was terrified of him as a stranger.

A loud thud sounded behind Izuku on the roof snapping him out of his daze. He looked over his shoulder to see Todoroki trying to climb up the side of the building, and failing terribly. His legs hung uselessly under him while occasionally kicking out. Izuku almost couldn't hold in his giggle, but he did anyway, he didn't want to discourage the hero-in-training.

Eventually the heterochromic boy managed to boost himself up onto the tilted surface of the roof, stumbling slightly before he gained his bearings and scooted his way towards where Izuku crouched over the edge.

"I don't know how you made that look so easy, but I don't like it." Todoroki huffed, his breath gathered in a white cloud in front of his nose while Izuku giggled lightly.

Aizawa stood at the bottom of the building, waiting for all of his slow students to finally make their way up to Izuku. He realized with a sigh, that most of his students had no tact nor grace, and wouldn't do well in any similar situation. He begrudgingly resigned himself to the fact that he'd have to set aside more time to teach his class a few underground qualities.

Koda did surprisingly well climbing up the building, Jiro too, although they were the only ones who really surprised him. Bakugou struggled without using his quirk as it was too loud and drew unneeded attention. Mina did well, but that was expected of the girl, she had shown many times that she was nimble and flexible. Ochaco used her quirk while Momo made herself a ladder, and while Aizawa had permitted them to use their quirks, he knew that they would probably both have trouble climbing the building if they didn't have their quirks.

Aizawa climbed up last, greeted by the view of Izuku being encouraged by his classmates to teach them how to do vigilante activities better. Aizawa was proud of him, a month ago, Izuku wouldn't be able to get a single sentence out, but now he could ramble on for however long he wanted. Aizawa found out that Izuku liked to ramble a lot.

He stood still and let his students enjoy themselves for a minute before he interrupted, they only had so much time every night.

"We need to go now, if you can't keep up on the roof tops, go on the street. We aren't doing anything tonight, it's just a training night to get used doing this. Good luck, and if you need to stop we will, there is no shame in it." With that, Aizawa took off, jumping over the small gaps between buildings. At least they were small for him, maybe a few feet wide, but someone inexperienced like his students lagged behind him, not used to running along rooftops.

Aizawa slowed down slightly, noticing that he was going slightly too fast. Izuku was running behind the group, helping whoever he could, offering advice wherever he could.

Aizawa led them around a middle class area, knowing that no heroes patrolled here at night, but there weren't usually many villains, as they favored the rougher, less patrolled areas. Eventually he led to the area he knew the Yakuza base lay, though he actively avoided it. Izuku stopped suddenly, Aizawa managed to notice and stopped too, allowing his students a break while he went to check on his son.

"This is where I watched for Eri." Aizawa looked where Izuku motioned to. Through a few buildings he could clearly see the house that used to harbor the Yakuza, but Aizawa assumed it would be impossible to see this point from the base. It was times like these that Aizawa was truly impressed by his son, but it was also when he realized that Izuku had a life before he was caught. The thought always managed to irritate Aizawa, all he wanted to do was protect his son, but he realized he had failed. He allowed Izuku to escape from the hospital, forcing him to live out on the streets for years. Aizawa always feels like he could've done more when it comes to Izuku's past, but he knows that he can't change that, he can only try harder now.

Izuku was simply staring out towards the Yakuza base, seeming to reminisce about rescuing Eri. Movement caught Aizawa's eyes around the base, Izuku was right, this was an incredible vantage point, but that wasn't his concern. Aizawa squinted slightly, trying to see what had moved, thinking maybe that it might have been a cat or something along those lines. Yellow hair caught his eye, Aizawa followed it to a lanky figure sneaking behind the building.

Aizawa nudged Izuku, putting his finger to his lips before pointing to the oddly familiar figure. During the first teacher's conference, All Might had revealed his true form to the rest of the staff and had explained his situation. Aizawa hadn't cared too much to listen, but he still recognized the man.

Izuku saw the figure at the Yakuza base, recognizing the yellow hair from the number one hero. His eyes widened slightly in shock, his fingers gripped the edge of the roof while every muscle in his body stiffened.

"Woah! What's All Might doing here?"

Izuku flinched at Uraraka's sudden voice behind him before refocusing on the "stealthy" figure creeping around the base. He heard Aizawa hiss a 'be quiet' before the rest of his friends gathered behind him. 

Katsuki gripped Izuku's shoulder, giving his Izuku something to hold on to, something to ground him. Izuku used it to his advantage, focusing on the rough hold of Katsuki, using it to help fall back into his normal mindset.

Izuku heard whispers behind his head, probably directed towards Aizawa, but he didn't care enough to listen closely. Aizawa guided Izuku's eyes away from All Might, a frown adjourned his face, Aizawa hadn't expected seeing the man would trigger such a reaction, but he should've known better.

Aizawa turned Izuku around, pushing him gently towards Katsuki's arms. Izuku stood there stiffly, knowing that if he tried to do anything differently he would simply be a burden. Aizawa shuffled behind Izuku, but he still didn't turn to see what was happening, his trust overriding his curiosity.  

Aizawa looked back towards Izuku before glancing back to All Might. "Go. I'll deal with this, Izuku is in charge of the rest of training. Get back to the dorms before two."

Katsuki nodded, pulling Izuku away. The rest of the students followed behind them, being careful to shield Izuku from the Yakuza building, not wanting to trigger any kind of panic attack.

Izuku stumbled away from the edge of the building, using Katsuki's arms to make sure that he didn't slip. Izuku pressed his pointer finger to the outside of his thigh, focusing on the pain, grounding himself. Katsuki led Izuku to the center of the roof, completely blocking the boy's vision of All Might, allowing him to catch his breath and calm down.

Izuku looked up at Katsuki, nodding his head in thanks. Katsuki faced the rest of the class, motioning for them to start running again.

Izuku took off, his classmates following.

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