Chapter 17 - Selcouth

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Fyi I don't think I'm going to do any ships, I don't quite know what constitutes a healthy relationship yet and I would hate to write a relationship that is straight toxic, also, I don't feel like Midoriya is ready or wants a relationship, if there was a ship it would be extremely unimportant to the plot and might even hinder Izuku's progress and his actions in the book. I might add one in the rewrite (if I feel like rewriting) I'd hate to let you guys down when you realize there's gonna be no couples that outright stated so I thought I ought to tell y'all now. I hope you can forgive me :(

Also I won't refer to Mineta as Mineta (when it's in Izuku's pov, ya know when we hear his feelings and stuff) because Izuku doesn't know his name yet, so the names are just Midoriya's name for him!

don't forget to correct anything in the story, like typos, grammar problems etc :)


Izuku's steps slowly lulled Eri to sleep, he felt her fall limp, quieting his movements to keep her calmer. They soon arrived at their room where Izuku laid Eri down on a bed, she snuggled into the blankets and pillows. Izuku had purchased the colorful pillows when they had moved in, he had realized that normal beds had a lot of plushies and pillows so he immediately bought all that he could, and Eri loved them.

Izuku stood from his position by Eri, giving her a few guards, including a full sized dragon, a shield around the room that would notify him if someone entered, and Kanashimi who wrapped themself around one of the pillows loosely, resting it's head on Eri's leg.

Izuku left after checking the room for any dangers, shutting the door softly behind him. He walked to the classroom again swiftly, he had been gone for about ten minutes so he figured that he should hurry back.

Izuku arrived at the door after a minute of walking, he could hear Aizawa's voice inside. It was louder than usual, while also more strained than usual. Midoriya waited for his voice to die down before entering, the class quieted when he entered, all heads turned towards the door. Midoriya ignored all of the stares, traveling to his seat without a glance to the class.

Aizawa looked towards Midoriya, blinking away his disbelief at the boy before talking. "I'll talk to you later." Midoriya nodded, not even sparing a look at his teacher. Aizawa turned around, staring at the chalkboard for a second before moving towards it. He wrote a few words, knowing none of his students would pay attention.

Some of them stared blankly at the chalkboard, trying to register what their teacher was trying to teach, while some others didn't even try to pretend to pay attention, they looked down at their hands, the walls, anything but midoriya. Most of them didn't know why they didn't think they could look at him, they just felt guilty and sad whenever the thought of his past was brought to the forefront of their minds. Only one student openly stared at Izuku, that student being Todoroki, who likely didn't know he was staring. Midoriya didn't notice his stares, stuck in his own mind, he didn't try to pay attention to Aizawa either.

The rest of the class passed relatively the same, no one paid any attention to the teacher, only rethinking Midoriya's circumstances. When the day ended the class left, all the students were strangely solemn, a huge difference from their normal attitudes. Midoriya stayed behind to talk to Aizawa, who waited for all the students to leave. "You will be given therapy, along with Eri, though we ask that you go separately." Midoriya nodded, agreeing to therapy, before waving goodbye and leaving.

Outside the classroom stood the short grape boy, he blocked Midoriya's path towards his room so Midoriya stopped to let him move, though it was apparent he wanted confrontation when he didn't even try to move. The boy looked midoriya up and down, apparently trying to be intimidating, that was a social cue Izuku knew well. He responded by gathering an intimidating posture himself, Izuku's left foot slid behind him a smidge while his shoulder followed, his chest puffed up slightly, not enough to look like a frog but big enough to make him look more muscled.

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