chapter 11 - Abience

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Class 1-A sat in their seats, mildly bored. Most of them weren't even paying attention to Aizawa, who was reteaching different science curriculum from earlier grades (during homeroom), their focus was on the green bean who was staring angrily at the chalkboard beside Aizawa. He was obviously not paying attention, which made many of the other students angry, how dare this villain just barge into their class, without proving himself worthy of his position or their trust, then waste his opportunity at being a hero, something they worked very hard to achieve?

The green haired boy, along with his sister, didn't notice the angry stares from half of the class, Aizawa did though. With a sigh he continued teaching, why did he get all of the problem children? Eri looked up at her big brother, he was doing the weird face again. She imitated an Aizawa sigh and tapped Izuku. It took a minute for him to snap out of his haze, but that was normal. "You have that face again, Izu." She reached up to make his face normal, moving his features around until they made a smile, which looked creepily like Aizawa's. When she finished Izuku nodded seriously, schooling his features enough to actually look normal, before looking ahead at Aizawa, although he still looked like he wasn't paying any attention to the teacher.

The part of the class that saw the exchange between the siblings were either shocked or angry. They were surprised that Midoriya didn't actually mean to make a rude face, for it was a very dramatic and noticeable face. Others were angry because the boy, still, wasn't paying attention, he had no right to be ignoring class like this! The blatant rudeness displayed made a few furrow their brows and scrunch their noses, they couldn't believe the amount of ignorance that the small boy contains!

Izuku, once again, didn't notice the stares sent his way from his disgruntled peers, he just continued staring ahead blankly, with his new normal face, of course. He wasn't paying attention to Aizawa at all, the material that the class was relearning was what he specialized in, science. He knew up to a college level for science, all in an attempt to use his quirk to the fullest he could. He had regular scores regarding all of his other subjects, enough to teach Eri all that she needed to know. He had never really thought that either of them would go to an actual school, so he had taught Eri at his own skill level, she was an amazing learner. She followed after his passions, making learning and teaching easy for the both of them.

Izuku heard his name being called by Aizawa, looking towards the teacher with a questioning look, Aizawa told him to come up to solve and balance random chemical equations. Izuku got out of his seat and walked up to the chalkboard, Eri trailed behind him. They were basic chemical equations, Izuku quickly wrote down the correct equation, while Eri wrote out a graph for work on the bottom right of the board, balancing the equations she could reach.

Izuku finished his quickly, things like this had become second nature to him, Eri finished about a minute later, her method had taken more time to draw out, but it showed her process nicely. Aizawa's face remained unimpressed, but Eri was used to reading her brother's face so she could tell that he was secretly impressed. Aizawa nodded, giving them the cue to sit back down, before he checked all of the solutions. Deeming them correct, a few people in the class exploded into outrage. They refused to believe that the villain and the eight year old were able to do something so complicated.

Izuku just ignored them, he figured that he couldn't do anything to stop or calm them, so there was no point in listening. He did however, give Eri a congratulatory smile, and those in the class who weren't currently yelling out how unfair it was, positively melted. The vigilante boy looked so cute, he was just so relaxed and he looked happy. Those who saw it wanted to see his smile again.

Aizawa sighed in defeat and just continued teaching, asking random random students to answer questions. After finishing the review session during home room, it was time for 1-A's regular classes and Izuku's class with Nezu. Izuku walked towards the mouse's office, Eri skipped beside him, Aizawa had said "I'm to tired, your safe enough to walk by yourselves, leave" when they tried to have him walk with them. When they arrived Izuku knocked then entered after hearing a faint 'come in'

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