Chapter 27 - Ambedo

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Just so you guys know, I don't know how any type of hospital works, I don't know how anything is communicated, etc. So don't expect these scenes to be very realistic lol. Also if you guys want to follow me on instagram, my account is called artings <3 you can message me and stuff over there! Its my art account, (although there are a few pieces I'm not to proud of lol) Anyway, there are quite a few jumps in this, so sorry about that, the time jumps are marked by semicolons, ( this lil thing ; ) Btw, this chapter ends in a cliffhanger, so if you hate those enough, just wait until the next chapter is out, it shouldn't take too long, I know where the plot is going so far! I plan to get the next chapter out in the next few days, but there's always the chance that it doesn't.

I also want to say how amazing you guys are again, all the comments are so positive, and I love reading and responding to everybody! You guys are literally the best I could've asked for, I love reading your guy's comments so much, and I love knowing that people actually enjoy my writing! So thank you!!!


Izuku was stuck in a black hole of emptiness, he couldn't move and his mind was clouded over with a fog. Three was a dull ringing in his ears, along with muffled talking. It annoyed him greatly, he just wanted to rest, he knew that he should be panicking, but he just couldn't find the energy to get up and do anything. There was a weight on his mind, stopping any movement or effort from him.

But when he heard a soft sobbing in his ear, muffled as it may be, he resisted the weight stopping him. Izuku struggled to reach the crying, only because he knew who that crying belonged to, he had heard it before, and he vowed to never let her cry again. So he knew when he recognized those cries, that he had messed up, how could he have made her cry? He was selfish enough to sacrifice himself to the villains and then wasn't strong enough to escape the media, he was the one making Eri cry.

Izuku tried to move his hands, to sit up and hug Eri. He blinked his eyes, trying to restore his vision. The weight stopping his movements became heavier, holding him down more, restricting his movements more than it was before. Izuku knew, with 100% certainty, that he needed to comfort Eri, that being the only motivator to fight against the unseeable force pushing his mind and body down.

Eri was scared, so Izuku fought harder, he tried to thrash his limbs, to wake his mind up completely, but he only succeeded in twitching his fingers, fluttering his eyelids slightly, but never enough to help. He knew giving up was completely out of the option, he would never give up on his only family, only letting himself try to wake up.

Izuku increases his efforts, almost succeeding in breaking through the haze before he felt the freedom of movement slip out of his metaphoric grasp. His efforts stuttered slightly, he tried to grasp onto it once again, that feeling of being alive, able to move, to think. But he fell, back into the darkness, unable to get back up again. Midoriya fell back into that unmovable sheet, it stopped his struggling once again, but this time, it felt unescapable. He knew that he wouldn't be able to run this time, but he kept trying, he kept reaching up towards freedom, towards movement, but it was all in vain.

Midoriya fell back into complete unconsciousness, but not before hearing the panicked voices float into his ears.


The hospital room around Midoriya was absolute chaos, his friends stood to the side, Aizawa and Eri sat by his bed, and nurses ran around panicked, obviously seeing something the heroes did not. A nurse ushered Midoriya's friends away, trying to make Aizawa and Eri follow, but stopped when she saw the resistance Eri was putting up, but still only allowing them to stand in the doorway.

Aizawa knew better than to ask what was happening, knowing that the nurses were all working and wouldn't appreciate his question. Eri knew this too, and also being reluctant to talk to strangers, she decided that it would be better not to bother the people running around.

One nurse grunted harshly while looking through the list of drugs they had put the child on before shouting, "Take him off the Propofor! Take out The IV!" Two other nurses followed her directions, taking the IV out of Midoriya's arm, moving it somewhere else in the room, out of the way of the other nurses. Before Eri could see whatever else was happening to her brother, a nurse closed the door to the room, stopping all vision between Eri and Midoriya.

Aizawa sighed softly, knowing that the only thing that he could do now was comfort Eri and wait. Eri sobbed in Aizawa's arms, she couldn't fully comprehend what was happening, she didn't know why her brother was asleep for so long, or why the nurses wouldn't let her see him anymore. It all became too much for her, she cried, her tears fell onto Aizawa who hushed and consoled her quietly, he knew that Eri needed an emotional release, they all did.


Midoriya sat up slowly, he was laying on a hospital bed fitted with scratchy white sheets and a stiff pillow. Everything in the room was a sickening white, it made his eyes sting slightly after a few minutes of staring.

Midoriya felt physically dull, he felt as if he was the human embodiment of the word normal, and it scared him. His chest didn't hurt like it normally did, and his knees moved correctly. Midoriya practiced his quirk, creating a stream of heat energy above his head, it stuttered slightly before he felt his control return fully, he was simply out of practice.

Midoriya gulped slightly, he needed to figure out why he was here, and he needed to find Eri. Midoriya moved his feet over the floor, finding them completely bare, exposing the soft scars on the bottom of his feet. He stared at them for a second before snapping out of his gaze on his feet, he looked up towards the door before settling his feet onto the floor lightly. Midoriya scooted further out, sitting on the edge of the bed before pushing off, standing up, albeit a bit shakily.

Midoriya took a step forward, still holding onto the bed behind him lightly, before letting go and taking small shaky steps towards the door. When he reached it, he grasped the handle lightly, resting his body weight on it for a break before opening it slightly, peeking outside, looking for anyone around, though he didn't quite know why he felt the need to check.

When he deemed the hallway safe, Midoriya left the room, only noticing the flowy hospital gown that he wore when a small breeze touched his shins. Midoriya shivered before realizing that he could use his quirk. Midoriya gathered a blanket of heat around his frame, covering himself head to toe in a glowing red sheet of energy.

Midoriya krept down the familiar halls quietly, listening for footsteps around him, hearing none, he sped up slightly and to the best of his ability, kept silent. His footsteps weren't completely sure, they were shaky and unpracticed, but better than they were when he woke, he figured that he would be walking, and maybe running regularly, by the end of the day.

Midoriya was so focused on increasing his speed and the strength of his legs that he didn't notice the steps coming towards him, so when he crashed into something that shouldn't have been there, it was a complete surprise to him.

Midoriya almost fell to the ground, but he steadied himself against the wall at the last second. The person he had run into had been much luckier, as they didn't have the unsteady feet that Midoriya did, so they had the chance to look at the small force that knocked into him.

The black haired person's eyes widened at the boy before him, they were completely caught off guard by Midoriya, the boy was supposed to be asleep for a few more days. They only snapped out of their haze when Midoriya groaned slightly in pain, gripping the part of his head that was knocked into the person.


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