chapter 6 - Exulansis

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1 ½ years prior

Izuku, dressed in his regular clothes, stood over a now empty Yakuza base. About a week ago, he had strategically infiltrated, took evidence, and saved a small white haired girl named Eri. Now he watched as the police and a select few heroes looked around for evidence of their disappearance, Overhaul and his minions left the day after he took Eri. They had assumed their position was compromised and tried to escape the watchful eyes of Noctis.

Currently Eri was sleeping in his bed, she didn't quite trust him yet, only coming to ask him for the bare necessities. Izuku plans to change that later today when he could go shopping with her. They were going to the mall to find less baggy clothing for her and decorations for his bare, one bedroom apartment.

Izuku started to head to the grocery store, there was an old man who would always give Izuku small gifts of food to lessen his problem with money. Today the man gave Izuku a loaf of bread, a few eggs, a small tub of butter, and a few sausages. Izuku gave the man a hug, which was received reluctantly, before heading home to feed Eri.

When he arrived, Eri was still sleeping, so he started making breakfast. Scrambling and cooking some eggs and sausage with his quirk, toasting the bread and buttering it, he quickly went to retrieve Eri.

Knocking on the door frame, Eri woke up. Motioning behind him mouthing 'breakfast', Eri understood and they both went to eat, Izuku ate with his quirk. When they finished eating Izuku mouthed 'going shopping' to Eri, hoping she would understand, "shopping?" she asked, Izuku confirmed with a nod of his head. Eri gave a determined 'ok' before running off to get ready.

Izuku had made her a dress out of his old shirts, it didn't look bad, but he knew it wouldn't last very long being worn. Izuku dressed himself in a random long sleeved shirt and pants. When both were ready, they started their ten minute journey to the mall. Eri rode on Izuku's shoulders, resting her arms in his hair, making small braids here and there. Izuku was ecstatic, but didn't show it in fear of scaring Eri.

When they arrived Izuku could feel Eri's nervousness, giving her his best smile, he walked over to a clothes store for children. With Eri still on his back, he started to browse, he pointed to random clothes asking Eri's approval. She nodded at a few, but Izuku could tell she was holding back with some things. Gathering a few things Eri looked like she wanted, he paid then left.

They left that store with two huge bags of clothes, shoes, and accessories for Eri. moving towards a store with decorations, Eri looked around with fascination, she pointed towards shelves she wanted to look at, Izuku grabbed a rug she liked, a pink wall light she ogled, some posters of heroes (that he liked), some wall decorations of cartoons, and some books, paper, and paints.

After they were satisfied with their haul, they got lunch then headed back to the apartment. When they arrived Eri decided all the places of the decorations that Izuku put up. When they finished, Eri ran up to Izuku, jumping up and wrapping her hands around his neck, she placed her chin on his shoulder, "thank you" those two words immediately made Izuku start to cry.

He knew Eri had gone through so much already, for her to trust him, show an ounce of normalcy, made him happy. He had only known her for a few days and to be able to make her happy in that short amount of time excited Izuku to no end. It took Izuku half a year to realize he was in a depressive slump, only now was he recovering. He wanted to give Eri every opportunity he could possibly give to recover and be happy. That day he decided who fueled his passion, who he would protect with his life, that was the day he got a family.

Author's note:

This was more a filler chapter, it'll get back on the story line soon :) please tell me if I make any spelling mistakes, or if you have suggestions for scenes.

Also! all my chapters are named different with emotions, phobias, or phrases that fit well with the chapter (all of them are more complex emotions, thus the complicated spelling :p) so if you have any words that might fit in well with them, don't be afraid to comment them here!

I have no actual upload schedule, I write with my inspiration and post when I finish, so I am sorry for inconsistent uploads :)

thank you for reading!

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