chapter 10 - minutiae

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I think that I forgot to mention that 1-A already lives in the dorms! Also, thank you for reading! :3 I went to the first paragraph of each chapter and put a definition of the title! I hope you enjoy :)

Izuku laid in bed, Eri sleeping in her own bed across the room from him. Izuku didn't really know why they gave him a bed, he had told them that he didn't require sleep, therefore they shouldn't waste money on a bed, but of course no one listened.

Izuku was just laying there thinking, he had already done all of his nightly duties, including his patrol. Did they really think he wouldn't do patrols? His community relied on him, he couldn't ignore them. Now he is no longer Noctis, but Stultus, which means stupid is Latin, he hopes that the police will see it as a mocking of them, and not Izuku calling himself stupid. He had only made a new name to stall the authorities for a while, until they figure out his real identity, he won't get into trouble regarding his outings. The citizens know of the change in name, they know not to give any hints to the authorities and so on.

Izuku found it funny how easily he was able to break out of the building, he didn't even have to break the patio door open, there were no motion detectors at certain parts of the gate and even if there are, he can easily float above them with his quirk.

Feeling unsafe with the UA security, Izuku had the snake, that he named Kanashimi, guard Eri all of the times he wouldn't be there or is distracted. Izuku spent his time in bed zoned out, his mind jumped from topic to topic until the time to get ready for school came.

Izuku had bags under his eyes, he hadn't found enough energy in the surrounding items to give him a full night's rest. He stood up slowly, cracking his stiff joints before preparing Eri's clothing for the day. She wasn't required to wear the uniform, so Izuku laid out Eri's favorite outfit, which was mainly a red dress and black leggings.

After he had gotten all of Eri's things ready Izuku dressed himself, shortly after he woke Eri. They spent their morning in silence, Eri was a little too tired to speak and Izuku wasn't much of a talker. Eri ate some eggs that Izuku prepared with his quirk, Izuku ate nothing, not even taking any energy from his surroundings.

Eraserhead came to pick them up shortly after that, he looked about as dead as Izuku. Eri, who was starting to recover from her sleepy state, started chatting with Izuku, mostly asking trivia questions about random animals, Izuku answered with Kanashimi the Snake (his full name), giving short answers that allowed Eri to elaborate on the topic, which she did happily. Eraserhead observed with a fondness he wouldn't admit to having.

Soon enough, they arrived at the 1-A classroom. Izuku looked extremely stoic, kind of like a statue, but that was only because inside he was freaking out. He definitely wasn't the best at social interaction, it terrified him, and the only way he knew how to deal with scary things was to fight it or let it attack you and hope it loses interest. He didn't want to be hurt and he knew he wasn't allowed to fight, so what was he supposed to do?

Eri, who saw Izuku's internal battle, held his hand "You don't have to fight anybody." she whispered. Izuku visibly relaxed, well only Eri could see it, but he was much more relaxed at the words of comfort. Eri was his emotional crutch, as was Izuku to Eri, they helped each other through panic attacks, they made up for the other's weakness. They were both completely reliant on each other, neither could operate correctly if the other wasn't there, that was just the way their world worked.

Aizawa knew about their attachment issues, among other mental problems, and had talked to a therapist about it, together they had come up with many ways to help the pair, but it all started with them trusting other people.

Aizawa led the two into the classroom, 1-A was all sitting at their seats, seeing two people with their teacher was a surprise to them, it was also a surprise when they learned that the boy was their new classmate and that his sister was joining him in class. They had seen things being moved into an empty dorm at the end of the hall on the top floor but didn't know the sew student was already here, they hadn't seen these two people anywhere!

Aizawa paused his introduction of the duo, letting his students observe the tense boy and shy girl, before he threw a real curveball at them, "I expect you guys to give them the utmost respect, after all this is the vigilante Noctis, he lowered the crime rates by leaps and bounds, even if he was a vigilante he has more potential than all of you combined, try to learn from him. Now, ask questions. Midoriya, you may use your quirk for communication only." with that, Aizawa curled up under his desk pretending to sleep.

He had some idea of how his class might react, though this was not at all predicted. Iida stood up and bowed at a ninety degree angle and started to apologize profusely, Izuku's cheeks dusted red, he really wasn't prepared in the least for this, he stuck his hands out to show that he forgave him. The class didn't even question it, they had more pressing questions, particularly Bakugou who stood up and started yelling profanities, drowning out the rest of the class, "Freaking deku!? What the heck do you think you're doing here, you quirkless deku!? Where the heck'd you go?!" Izuku covered Eri's ears, attempting to block out the 'profanities'. Kanashimi answered for Izuku, "He'll talk to you after class, kacchan." "A freakin' snake! What the heck deku! Is that a fudging quirk?!" Izuku didn't answer, instead focusing on the other students, though he was glad Kacchan didn't have the nerve to actually cuss in front of Eri.

"I don't really feel safe around a vigilante, honestly." "So he's just a villain? Why's he here?" "He didn't have to work here like us! That's totally unfair!" "yea, I don't think I like the idea of him in our class." "So why do you have to use your quirk to talk?" "Asui, that's very rude! You can't ask brash questions like that!" Iida exclaimed with his choppy hand motions, he was being extra cautious of people's situations nowadays. Izuku responded waving his hands in front of his face, trying to say that it was ok. He motioned to his mouth, making an x with his fingers, trying to communicate that he was mute, luckily for him, Kanashimi answered shortly after. 

Izuku answered the rest of the questions as best he could, most were malicious, though some were asked out of genuine curiosity. Once the class quieted down more and Aizawa deemed them ready for class he told Midoriya to sit down, and class started.

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