chapter 15 - Whelve

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Nezu sat down in his chair, motioning for Midoriya to do the same across from his. Eri jumped up onto his lap, nuzzling her head into his neck, Nezu smiled softly at the sight before he cleared his throat, gaining the duo's attention. Izuku tilted his head at the mouse, silently indicating his motion to continue.

"Well, first off, the school is very sorry about All Might's actions, would you like to press charges? Though, if you choose not to, the school will most likely press our own charges." Nezu finished with a sigh and a shake of his head.

Eri snorted out of her nose, "Press charges!" Izuku just shrugged his shoulders in response. Nezu took that as Midoriya's agreement. Nezu nodded his head in understanding before speaking once again. "The therapist I asked to visit you will be arriving tomorrow, they will take up the time during heroics training, or what would've been heroics."

Izuku nodded, slightly distracted, he was lost in his own thoughts, though he couldn't really identify any particular one. Nezu silently observed the boy, even with his observant nature, he couldn't tell what the young man was thinking. Nezu thought that only a person who trained to tell what his small expressions meant could decipher them.

Eri looked up at the principal after giving Izuku a long stare. "Can we leave early today? I'd like for Izu to have some time alone." Nezu nodded his head mumbling a quiet confirmation.

Eri nodded her head in thanks, taking the care of her brother very seriously, before she guided him to the dorms, Izuku just let Eri drag him behind her. When they arrived at the dorms Eri told izuku to lay down, while she tried to sleep in her own bed.

After a few minutes Eri could hear a soft sniffling from Izuku's bed, she knew what was happening. Izuku thought that as her big brother he couldn't show any negative emotions, but if he bottled them up for too long it affected his health, sometimes he'd get sick and have to stay in bed all day to recover. It was better for his feelings to come out as tears than a fever and nausea. Eri had gottenvery good at pretending to sleep, which was good when Izuku needed some alone time but felt unsafe leaving Eri alone.

The sniffles never increased in volume, though they lasted for a few more hours until Eri fell asleep, Izuku fell asleep shortly after.


Eri sat in Izuku's lap, she held a small pinkish yellow bunny. It radiated happiness, so Eri thought that after Izu's crying he had been overcome with a happy emotion and accidentally made the little rabbit, instead of using the emotion for himself he had probably decided that Eri could use some happiness, and subsequently gave the bunny to her.

The class sent a few glances towards the duo, some because of the adorable addition to the creature collection the Midoriyas were making, some because the boy had knocked down the number one pro hero and they hadn't seen him since. He hadn't been in class all morning and now it was what was supposed to be heroics class, they were told that there would be something along therapy instead.

The class were sitting in their seats, waiting for their teachers to arrive, they were supposedly bringing a guest, most would guess that it would be a therapist.

Aizawa entered the classroom with Nezu on his shoulder, a short woman followed them. She had light pink hair and a short but buff build. Eri assumed that this was the therapist that would show Izu's and her past. Truthfully, Eri didn't really know what happened to Izu, she just knew it was really bad, and if showing everybody made them nicer then Eri would happily participate.

Aizawa motioned for Izuku to come to the front, Eri sat herself in his seat while Izuku wandered towards the front. His steps were even more cautious than usual without Eri, he felt the need to be with her constantly, even though he knew it was an unhealthy habit.

The therapist lady motioned to sit in a chair that Aizawa pulled out of his scarf, she introduced herself as Charlie in a small, timid voice. Izuku sat down while Charlie placed her hands on hisshoulders, slowly Izuku's eyes fluttered shut and his soft breathing could be heard over the quiet chatter of the room.

Nezu walked to the front of the class, gaining their attention, he started his explanation. "This is Ms. Charlie! She is a therapist that I asked to come here today! Her quirk allows her to put a person to sleep, then see their memories. I have seen some unacceptable actions from many of you students and we think that if we proceed with this sort of therapy in front of you, then we will see a change of pace! Now, please stay quiet and don't bring up any of the following memories in front of Midoriya. This is also to find his triggers for flashbacks and such, so please pay attention to anything that seems like it would trigg-"''please get on with it" drawled a tired voice from behind Nezu. "very well! That is pretty much all I have to say, also! If I see any more bullying or disgrimination towards Midoriya I will not hesitate to expel or fire the offender, we do not accept bullies in UA."

Nezu looked around for any questioning looks or outraged faces, when he was satisfied he spun on his heel back towards the therapist and midoriya. He motioned towards Charlie who closed her eyes, a projection appeared on the black board behind them.

The projection read like an old video recorder, only in black and white, black spots danced around like flies on the screen stood a man. His face was slightly blurred even though the rest of his body looked normal, the students could practically smell the smell of smoke and cheap booze rolling off of the man in waves.

Todoroki, had a high awareness of large males that had even a hint of danger, but this man radiated negative signals. The way he stood over his line of sight, the glint in his eyes, and the twitch of the man's mouth, it all warned Todoroki of danger.

The projection of the man smiled, it was cynical and unnerving, even to the great Bakugou Katsuki. The man took a step forward, the 'camera' inched back. Most of the class had figured out who the 'camera' was, the others who didn't quickly found out a voice squeaked out "please don't!" a few green tufts of hair blocked the top of the projection, hair everyone recognized as Midoriya's. 


I know that the end really sets itself up as a big reveal but is extremely obvious, I guess it just came out that way. I wanted to end this chapter early so that an entire chapter can be dedicated to Izu's flashbacks, so this ones a little shorter.

Anyway, thank you all for reading and voting! It means a TON to me, I have cried tears of joy, (even if 1.9k isn't a lot to some people, this is my first published book, so it means a lot!) THANK YOUUUUUUUUU!!!!!!!!!!!

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