Chapter 5 - Ulotrichous

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2 years prior

Izuku wandered the streets where he lived, he did this daily, looking for any kind of trouble. He didn't want anyone hurt, he wanted to be able to do what the heroes couldn't do for him.

Izuku knew he had to start out small, he knew he was weak for someone his age so his best option was to train, without a place to train, outside on the streets was his best option for experience. Izuku patrolled at night, working during the day. Instead of sleeping, he would go around looking for small-time criminals and take their energy, knocking them out while giving himself their energy as a small boost.

Most of the time Izuku would leave them with a warning unless they were wanted by the police, or they were beyond help, then they were turned into the police.

Izuku was well known to the people of the small run-down town, they knew of his patrol time and how he lowered the crime rates. He made small talk with many of the citizens, one woman who he talked to frequently always liked to brainstorm name ideas for the small-time vigilante. After many suggestions, she declared Noctis to be his name, the small city agreed through word of mouth.

While on patrol one day, Izuku decided to take to the roofs. Climbing up the fire escape to the abandoned apartment building he happened to live in, Izuku set off. Jumping from roof to roof he listened for cries of help or sounds of a scuffle.

After a few minutes of hopping onto different roofs in close range, Izuku heard words being exchanged a few alleys over, with what also sounded like fighting. Izuku quickly ran to the building above said alley, inside he saw the underground hero, Eraserhead and a member of the small gang that resided in the town.

The man had a mutant type quirk that allowed him to have traits of leopard gecko, with more emphasis on leopard. He had sharp claws, pads on his fingers that let him stick to things, fangs, and inhuman speed. Izuku observed from the top of the two story building, he wanted to learn about Eraserheads fighting style.

Both men looked as if they had been fighting for a while already, Eraserhead had a few scratches and the gecko man had many bruises along his face, and assumedly his torso too. Izuku watched their fight for a few minutes, taking mental notes on both of the men's fighting styles. Once he observed all he liked, Izuku decided to help the exhausted Eraserhead.

Taking a generous amount of heat energy from the gecko man's system, Izuku transferred it to himself. The man was obviously sensitive to the cold, being part gecko, giving Eraserhead enough time to apprehend him. Eraserhead had sensed the presence of someone else halfway through the fight, finding it suspicious, he asked a local about it after turning over the gecko man, the local happily described the vigilante they named Noctis, detailing how he helped them and how kind the small vigilante was.

Eraserhead was certainly interested, most vigilantes were very self centered these days, having ideals that mainly help them, never community center, unlike this vigilante. Everyone around him sang nothing but praise on his behalf, they talked about how he refused money to buy a proper suit, how he helped those of them in need, how he knew everyone by name, even how he made small talk with everybody there.

The small vigilante usually wore a hoodie, sunglasses, and a mask. No one knew his actual identity, but they respected him and never asked. He was a pillar of hope for the small town, he gave them more hope than All Might ever could. Eraserhead found that admirable, so he never pursued catching the vigilante, he thought of informing Nezu but decided against it, if he really wanted to know, he'd find out himself.

Author's note:
I know that Izuku's quirk can be a little confusing, so I thought I should explain it. I don't know if I'm going to get a chance to explain it clearly later on in the book.
His quirk is called ergokinesis. It allows him to manipulate energy, though it is easier to manipulate heat energy because of his father's quirk. I'm excluding kinetic and potential energy because they are too broad of terms. He will be able to use thermal energy, radiant energy, chemical energy, electrical energy, and sound energy. Each one gives off a different light and feeling when manipulated. Izuku can transfer these energies to his own body, though if he uses too much he could become ill, for example, if he takes in too much heat he'll get heat stroke. Izuku can take his own energy out of his body, and also give any energy to someone or something else. Each type makes him feel a different emotion, usually positive.
Thermal: aka heat energy, red-orange glow that makes the recipient happy and content
Radiant: aka light energy, white glow that makes the recipient feel shiny? Kind of like Aoyama.
Chemical: the energy that fuels our movements/ body (also chemical reactions if you wanna get technical), green blue glow that makes the recipient feel full, (not hungry) and energized
Electrical: energy in phones, lights, etc, a neon yellow glow that gives the same feeling of static, a happier feeling.
Sound: any noises, purple glow, feelings change depending on the sound (if it is pleasant or not) can be used to drown out other sounds. It will also actively repeat the noise (it can be used like those bears that will repeat a sound if you press it)

there is a possibility of adding more types, those are more likely to derive from emotions, not emotions coming from energies. 

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