Chapter 22 - Luctor et emergo

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Hey y'all! So I feel pretty good about this chapter, tell me what you think :) and also I'd love any help with misspellings and grammar! I have an art account on Instagram if you'd like to check it out, my account is called artings, anyway, hope y'all like this chapter, OH and also, if anybody has chapter title ideas I'd love to hear them <3

Midoriya fell to the ground struggling, he was having a hard time breathing with his high altitude and panicked thoughts. When the ground came closer his vision went black, his mind warbled and felt as though it was falling. He couldn't control his movements but he could also feel his arms moving, though it was a faint feeling. Izuku felt trapped inside his mind, all he could see was black, but he didn't have any control over his eye lids, it didn't even feel like his eyes were the ones causing the darkness. Midoriya became weaker and weaker, he stopped trying to open his eyes, stopped struggling, and fell into the darkness of his mind, letting it guide him into a deep sleep.

Outside of his mind, his class watched in panic as their classmate fell to the ground. They realized that Hawks was the one who had run into him, but neither one of the falling people slowed their descent at all. They resumed their steps towards Midoriya, panicking about the welfare of their classmate.

About twenty feet from the ground Hawks started to slow their fall, he had spotted the worried children below him, and recognized that the child in his arms had fainted. He set his feet on the ground, still holding onto the child's body, looking towards the concerned children. He opened his mouth to ask what had happened but his voice was drowned out by an angry scream behind him.

Enji began stomping up to Hawks, demanding to see the child in his arms for whatever reason. When he saw the child's features his face scrunched up into one of disgust.

"That's the villain All Might talked about! We should end him now Hawks!" his outburst was met with a round of panicked 'no's' from his concerned class while Hawks simply sighed. "You know we can't do that, he's only a child." Endeavor huffed angrily, storming away after his request was denied.

The class was starting to panic more now, after all, it was their fault that Midoriya tried to escape. "Don't worry guys Aizawa sensei is almost here!" Kirishima called out to his class, trying to lift their spirits, and on cue, Aizawa appeared. He shot the 1-A students a glare that sent shivers up their spines while he turned towards hawks. He gave the hero a short thank you before taking his student. Aizawa turned around, intending to leave, but was stopped by a voice behind him. "You! EraserHead! I knew it was your student! I demand you force this villain to leave your class, U.A. should not stand to harbor such a menacing figure!" Aizawa looked back onto the form of the number two hero, he was stationed in a comically aggressive pose, trying to intimidate the teacher.


Aizawa walked away, his ears picking up on the group of feet following him, along with the large thundering footsteps coming closer. Aizawa paid no heed, the hot-headed hero wouldn't dare hurt him, especially with so many witnesses around. Aizawa's class's footsteps began to speed up, he could hear their breathing become quicker, and short noises of protest left their mouths. He never had the chance to see what they were upset about before he felt it, a large hand wrapped around his throat while it slowly became dangerously hot. Smoke shrouded his view, stopping his quirk from working on the aggressive hero, while his hands were occupied holding the unconscious problem child.

"You dare to tell me no, EraserHead? I'll make you do what I say!" the grip tightened slightly around his neck, lifting him slightly. Aizawa kicked his legs towards Endeavor, landing a few, though none were quite strong enough to make the hero drop him. Aizawa could hear yells of his name, though he couldn't see his students due to the massive frame taking up his vision and the smoke further hindering it.

Aizawa felt a shuffling in his arms, apparently the problem child was stirring awake, it couldn't be at a worse time. A second after the problem child first moved, all of the weight left his arms. The hand around his neck let go and Aizawa fell to the ground. Immediately his students gathered around, some crying, others plain panicking. One student told Aizawa that they had called the police, for which he was immensely relieved.

When his breath returned and his eyes felt able to open, Aizawa stood up to see where his problem child went. What he saw stunned him, Midoriya standing over the visibly frozen form of the number two hero. Aizawa could see that Midoriya's eyes were glazed over and distant, he knew the boy didn't mean to attack the hero, even though Aizawa was quite glad he did.

Aizawa began to walk over to the "battling" duo, his steps were slow and his footholds unstable, but they grew in confidence the more the oxygen returned to his lungs. Midoriya heard the steps of his teacher, he tensed instinctively, knowing deep down that he had done something wrong and that he should be punished, even though the thought of why didn't come close to the surface of his mind. Midoriya's consciousness was pushed down, he didn't control his body, only moving out of pure instinct and anger.

When Aizawa was a few feet away from Midoriya he noticed the clear, swirling energy around his head. It lashed out randomly, leaving glowing sparks wherever it touched. Aizawa knew this was a new type of energy, he knew it wasn't the physical kind. It was a huge step for Midoriya, discovering a new energy, a step that Aizawa wished he didn't have to take.

Aizawa whispered sweet nothings to Izuku, persuading his clouded mind to give the hero back his heat. Izuku's control over the energy slipped completely, the angry, red energy swirling around his head condensed into a spall ball, settling itself rather calmly onto Izuku's ear. It looked like a regular piercing.

Midoriya swayed on his feet, his eyes slowly closed, marking the end of his control over his body. His body swayed one last time before falling completely. Aizawa rushed to catch the small boy, succeeding quickly. Aizawa hoisted up the unconscious boy, settling him in a more comfortable position for both of them. 

 "Let's go home."

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