chapter 25 - Zemblanity

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Before we start this chapter off, I just want to say thank you. I read a lot of stories here, and whenever I do the comments aren't nearly as positive and funny as you guys are. The comments on my story make me laugh, cry (out of joy), and motivate me to keep going with the story. You are all truly amazing people. Thank you for reading and thank you for commenting and voting. This story is a great escape from my life, as I hope it is for you guys too, and you guys all made it this way. I just wanted to let you all know that you've each impacted my life, even if you haven't commented or voted, each read means so much. I feel so proud of myself when I see how many people have read and hopefully enjoyed the story (we are at 51,650 at the moment I'm writing this) and it just amazes me that I'm the one who did this. Thank you all for reading, I'll never truly be able to tell you guys how much it means through words, but just know, the feedback on this story is one of the best things that's ever happened to me. THANK YOU!

Midoriya, cloaked in a black, baggy hoodie, stood admiring his masterpiece. The LOV base was torn to shreds, not a single remnant was discernible among the piles of bricks that once made up the building. A single wall stood towards the back of the rubble, on it stood the first piece of art Midoriya could ever remember making, though he wished it was made in a different situation.

Midoriya knew that the LOV was wreaking havoc somewhere, but he had sent a few critters out to protect the civilians discreetly, telling them not to draw much attention to themselves while Izuku worked his magic on the villain's base. Midoriya sent one last glance at the graffiti covered wall, reading over the dripping words once more to make sure that all of the information he wanted to convey was spray painted, and fairly obvious from a ways away.

Midoriya nodded to himself in satisfaction, before turning around and leaving.


A few hours later, a hoarse scream cut through the air. Shigaraki had returned to his base, only to see the building completely destroyed, and on the back, was spray painted a message to the villains.

"Dear villains" it read "You are weak. You will never win against us, the heroes. Sincerely, the UA first years."

Shigaraki fumed, how dare these children destroy his base, his home? What right did they think they had that made them better than him? These kids were nothing more than hero wannabes, mindless followers with strong quirks! They deserved to be taken down a few steps!

An aura surrounded Shigaraki, and when the other villains saw the base, read the message left for them, no more words were exchanged. Every villain there, blinded by rage, turned towards UA. Kurogiri had been off on some business, so the villains there started their walk towards U.A.

Those brats would pay with blood.


Still dressed in his "disguise", Izuku ran around the campus, he covered every inch with his creatures. Most of the creatures were bugs, although a few were large predators. Once he was satisfied Izuku created small birds to fly around the campus, giving them the signal to tell him when the news people had arrived. Izuku sent up a few more birds to signal when the villains were close, immediately the birds flew around in a giant, silent, mass overhead

Slightly frightened students and faculty watched Izuku perform seemingly random tasks around campus, though none of them dared near him. Most of them just watched from the windows, observing the crazed boy exhaust himself.

Glenda left her office to see who was making so much noise outside her office and upon seeing the huge crowd looking out of her window, asked what was going on. The crowd parted to let her see Midoriya running around randomly, spouting around bright lights and birds. Glenda grew a frown, not understanding what he was doing in the slightest.

She nodded goodbye at the crowd of people before making her way outside towards Midoriya, who was standing still, looking up at the swarm of hauntingly silent birds.

Midoriya heard his therapist coming before she was remotely near him. He made his way towards her, following her back into the building. Inside the crowds had dispersed, seeing that the teacher had retrieved Midoriya.

Glenda led Izuku into her office, she hadn't seen him for his session yesterday, everyone said that he had disappeared for the day. She wasn't exactly worried, knowing that he left Eri and was perfectly capable of protecting himself, though she had wanted to share some news with him.

"I didn't see you yesterday, Midoriya, but I was planning on telling you about my quirk."

Izuku tilted his head to the side slightly, wondering why her quirk would be something that deserved such a dramatic reveal.

"I talked to Aizawa and he agreed on what I wanted to do. My quirk is called life. I have the ability to heal people and any injury they might have, at the expense of my life energy. I have a meter in the top right hand corner of my vision that tells me how much of it I have left, when it runs out, I will too. Life energy isn't the kind you can manipulate, Midoriya. Life energy isn't physical, it's mental. I've had tests done, a lot of them, and we know it isn't possible. I want to use the last of it, Midoriya, on you." 

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