chapter 12 - Monophobia

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Izuku quickly let go of his new classmate, immediately Katsuki had started to explode with questions. "Where were you, Deku? The old hag was fucking worried about you! Where the heck'd you learn to do that? Where'd auntie go? When the fudge did you get a quirk? Why can't you freaking talk?" Izuku was glad Kacchan still wasn't cussing in front of Eri.

Izuku felt slightly bad for Katsuki, they were pretty good friends when his father took Izuku out of school, it must've hit Kacchan hard, even if he won't admit it. Izuku started to walk to the lunch room, motioning for Kacchan to follow. Kanashimi started to go over the details of Izuku's life after he disappeared, not going into very much detail at all, if there were more specific situations described, Izuku feared that he would become stuck in a flashback.

Bakugou listened to Kanashimi, and sometimes Eri, as they told his story, when they arrived at the lunch room they were just making small talk. Izuku was delighted that Kacchan hadn't changed from his earlier years. Izuku sat with Eri alone at lunch, telling Kacchan to go sit with his friends, Eri ate her pork cutlet bowl happily, while Izuku simply absorbed the energy from a random caffeine filled drink.

At lunch Izuku, Eri, and Kanashimi were approached a few times, Kanashimi explained that they were new, while grape balls boy yelled that Izuku was a villain, no other students made a move to stop him, though none joined with him either.

Soon enough the bell rang for lunch, while heading back to the classroom Izuku started to teach Eri some English on a paper pad, they were both behind in the subject (by Izuku's standards). Izuku didn't know what the other students learned in their classes, only judging his level based on the books he had found in the library. He thought that he was at a higher level than his regular age group in most subjects, being slightly behind in English, he thought Eri was excelling in all of her subjects.

Izuku knew it would be difficult to teach Eri at the end of the day, by that time she would be exhausted, so he took every opportunity he could, that included while walking. The pair were almost halfway to their classroom when a person walked in between them, shoving through the small space between the two walking figures.

Izuku knew it was purposeful, he was watching the path ahead of him, he saw the person swerve to shove them away from each other and it made him angry, anyone could see it on his face. Izuku quickly picked Eri up, placing her on his back. Izuku looked up at the boy who pushed into them, he had straight blond hair, blue eyes, and a small manic look on his face. Izuku didn't trust him in the least.

The boy observed the strange duo in front of him, "Well, if it isn't 1-A's newest villain and his child of a sister!" Izuku shifted uncomfortably, he had noticed that the air around him had become colder, which was a lot to say from the boy who's quirk constantly gathered heat, though, Izuku didn't know what the boy's quirk was. If it was a quirk like his and the boy was simply losing slight control then Izuku figured no one would be hurt, if the boy's quirk was something along the lines of a copying quirk, then izuku knew everyone was in enormous danger.

Izuku lowered into a protective stance while the blonde headed bimbo started to ramble about the shortcomings of class 1-A. The air started to get colder while the area around the boy started to glow a light orange. Izuku recognized the energy around him, along with the effects it had on the boy's body, he began relaxing subconsciously and started to slur his words. The area around them became colder and colder, Izuku didn't know what to do, he wasn't supposed to use his quirk on students, he didn't want the teachers to use this as an excuse to make him leave.

After thirty seconds more of the blonde's rambling Eri started to shiver, Izuku could not have that, consequences be damned. Izuku took back the energy around the rude boy, spreading it around to its original place, the boy noticed the lack of warmth around him and he wanted it back. "Give... give it, back." his words were slurred from the fake high of the heat energy. The boy started to wave his hands around wildly, more energy began to surround him before Izuku once again took it back.

Turning the orange glowing blob into a giant snake, Izuku backed up. He hoped that Aizawa or Nezu would show up so that he could explain the situation. Apparently the combination of fear of the snake and warmth from the energy was too much for the borderline crazy boy, he passed out shortly after the snake appeared.  

Izuku walked over to the snake, patting his thigh to get its attention, he made eye contact and kissed the big snake on the nose, it was mostly an affectionate boop. The snake booped Izuku again, then Eri before disappearing into thin air.

Izuku stood for a minute, no students were in the halls, the bell had probably already rung. He figured he should bring the boy to the nurse's office then head to Nezu to clarify the situation, then whoever he had his next class with. Izuku gently placed Eri on the ground while picking up the unconscious copycat, throwing the burden over his shoulder.

He took a few steps before a voice called out to him from down the hall. "Stop! What do you think you are doing with that boy?" All Might yelled, Izuku sighed, knowing he wouldn't be able to respond. Eri squeaked, moving to hide behind her brother, when the intimidating form of All Might stepped closer. Said man paid no heed to the little girl's uncomfort, even to her presence at all.

When Eri squeaked out an answer to the loud man he ignored her completely, Izuku started to frown, how dare he completely brush her off like that! All Might took Izuku's look of disapproval as a challenge of some sorts, he picked up the smaller boy, forcing him to drop the other student he was 'stealing', not so gently.

The big loud man was still ignoring the now crying little girl, she couldn't decide what to do, Eri didn't like touching people but she wanted to get Izu back. Izuku could sense Eri's control over her quirk slipping, he would always calm her down when this happened, but still, All Might wouldn't let go. Izuku let Kanashimi jump out of his sleeve, transforming the snake into a fluffy bunny, quickly surrounding Kanashimi with warm heat energy.

Eri quickly grabbed the rabbit, she focused on slowing her breathing, focusing solely on the motions, fur, and nuzzling of the bunny. When she looked up once again the bad man was nowhere to be found, though the rude blonde boy was still on the ground sleeping.

Eri started to cry once again, Kanashimi nuzzled into her face, a silent sign of safety. Kanashimi separated himself into two halves, one staying with Eri while the other split into halves. The smaller two went separate ways down the hall, one to Aizawa in the teacher's lounge, the other to Nezu in his office.

Meanwhile, All Might was carrying a panicking Izuku over his shoulder to the police station, the boy was struggling to breathe, his chest rose and fell at an unhealthy pace. Izuku was barely aware of what was happening, all he knew was that he wasn't with Eri, there was a scary man that wouldn't let him go to her, and he just wanted to go back.

Tears started to leak out of his eyes, seeing this, the scary man yelled something to Izuku. Izuku couldn't hear anything, there was a ringing in his ears, his vision was blurred, his muscles spasmed uncontrollably. Izuku's breathing became faster when the scary man yelled, it reminded him of his father.

Izuku's quirk subconsciously tried to protect him from the threat, it created creatures out of all the energy it could manage. It took some of All Might's chemical energy, making him weaker, transforming it into a panther that immediately started biting and scratching at All Might.

Seeing all of the creatures, All Might dropped Izuku roughly onto the ground. Izuku hit his back on the ground, it knocked the air out of his lungs, leaving Izuku a wheezing mess on the ground. The creatures gathered around the small boy, protecting him from All Might. Said man attacked the creatures, bringing his fist down onto their bodies, the energy they were made of quickly dispersed into the air around them.

All Might picked up Izuku once again when all of the energy creatures were gone, hoisting him over his shoulder. Izuku kept struggling, his limbs flailed randomly while he tried to activate his quirk. All Might grabbed Izuku's wrists, making the boy's panic increase. All logic left his mind, 

Izuku started thrashing violently, his legs aimed for All Might's head while his arms tried to loosen All Might's grip.

All Might dropped Izuku again, though, this time it looked purposeful, and harder than needed. Izuku fell unconscious when his head hit the ground, the combination of panic, lack of oxygen, and the hit on his head knocked him out immediately. All Might got rid of the remaining creatures before he started walking to the police station once again.

It never even occurred to him that he was supposed to be teaching a class at the moment, nor did he realize how much trouble that class tends to make.

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