chapter 4 - Waltersobchakeit

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It's been roughly two and a half years since Izuku Midoriya escaped the hospital and Aizawa still thinks about it. He thinks of all the things he could've done, everything that would've turned out better, what he could've changed. Aizawa knows that he shouldn't think like that, those thoughts are toxic, but knowing that Midoriya is still out there, that he suffers alone, makes Aizawa think that he doesn't deserve to have his own thoughts, he doesn't deserve to be sad or have any negative emotion regarding the situation because Izuku is still out there.

Aizawa is one of the main people in-charge of the Midoriya case, along with Tsukauchi. His main duty is to find any information regarding Izuku, although his first duty was to find Hisashi Midoriya. Almost exactly a week after searching Aizawa found Hisashi, his body was in an alley near a market he frequented. The corpse was strange, the obvious effects of a quirk killed the man.

After an autopsy they found many strange things, the man's brain was shriveled and withered in certain parts, specifically the part containing a person's quirk. Hisashi's internal organs looked shriveled as well, looking closer, they found that the body was almost completely depleted of energy. His body contained none of the nutrients and chemical energy it needed to survive, not to mention the temperature of the body was near almost absolute zero.

In the end the examiners deduced it was the end effect of an energy stealing quirk, reporting their findings to the police, no more action was taken to find the murderer, out of hate towards the murdered man.

Aizawa partially thought it was the doing of the new vigilante running around, they called him Noctis, Latin for night. Aizawa had no real problem with this vigilante, he did everything an underground hero did, just without a permit. Though, many heroes did have a problem with the man. He solved many hard cases, and generally just frustrated many heroes and police officers.

The cocky vigilante tended to taunt the authorities, he always left criminals at their door, always staying just out of reach. Many heroes have been arrested because of Noctis, it seemed that he despised any corrupt heroes. There were also articles published under his name explaining in great detail, those heroes' lives and crimes. The vigilante not only wanted to ruin the heroes careers, but their public image too.

At first, the public didn't take kindly to the vigilante, but slowly he was accepted as a hero in his own right. People read his articles, heard how many people he had saved, seen how just and kind the vigilante really was, they started to love him. He was as well known as any hero, though still met with criticism from those who lost money or status at his hands.

Aizawa had met the vigilante before, he liked how selfless the man was, he specifically liked how he made Aizawa's job easier. That's probably why he's here defending the vigilante in front of the U.A. staff, how he got roped in by Nezu, he'll never know.

"He's probably killed people, there's no excuse for murder!" a random teacher yelled. "There have been no confirmed deaths at the hands of Noctis." Aizawa responded "Plus, how many of you are just upset because your pay depends on how many villains you catch and your missions completed, and the vigilante has been taking the majority of them?" His question was met by silence, taking that as his que of victory, Aizawa sat down with a huff.

"Thank you all, for your amazing interpretations of the situation, and thank you Eraserhead for debunking all of them!" nezu said. "Now, I bet you are all wondering why this topic was brought up! I have done extensive research on the doings of said vigilante, his patrol times, fighting styles, height, and-" "please just get on with it." Aizawa murmured into his arms, resting on the table. "Very well," Nezu continued, "I feel as though this vigilante would be a great help to us as teachers and heroes, he embodies the spirit of true heroism, and if he were a hero in name, it would relieve many of you of the problems he gifts you!"

"Why are you telling us this?" another random teacher asked. "I want you to find him." Nezu stated. Many grumbles were heard across the room at this. Nezu smiled at their discomfort, "you are dismissed!" Aizawa left wondering why Nezu was suddenly so interested in the vigilante. He was sure Nezu knew more than he was letting on.

With a sigh, Aizawa pulled out his sleeping bag, maybe someday he would learn about Nezu's sudden interest in Noctis. For now Aizawa only wanted to focus on the upcoming entrance exams.

A city over, a certain green haired boy sneezed. "Are you ok, Izu-chan?" a white haired girl asked. The boy nodded, and smiled, mouthing 'someone must be talking about me' before letting out a breathy laugh. The girl nodded, snuggling back into his chest, before once again falling asleep. 

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