Chapter 32 - Virago

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Izuku stood up, grabbing the television remote and turning off the disgusting news broadcast before leaving the room. He stood still for a few minutes, simply pondering on what he should do. No answers came immediately, but they eventually did, they always do.

Izuku took a deep breath, solidifying his plan before he started towards the door. He knew that he should tell Nezu his plan, but he also needed to inform Aizawa and Eri. That fact alone made him stop in his tracks, he needed to fix his past mistakes, and that started with never doing them again.

Izuku redirected himself towards the Kacchan's room, Eri was there, and she needed to hear his plans. It wasn't fair for him to leave her out again. He started towards his friend's room hoping to retrieve his sister quickly so that he wouldn't miss his time frame that Aizawa would be at Nezu's office.

Izuku was half way to Katsuki's room when a small squeal awakened him from the small trance he was in. His head snapped towards the noise, looking towards the door he had just passed, which he remembered, was Momo's room.

Izuku jogged back towards the door, listening for any other cries for help, etc. After hearing nothing for a second, Izuku knocked, hoping that someone would answer and say that they were uninjured, but no one answered. He opened the door a crack, leaning in so that his voice would carry.

"Hello? Yaoyorozu? Are you ok?" Though it came out slightly raspy, Izuku was proud that he was able to manage that much.

The door was yanked out of Izuku's grip, Momo appearing on the other end, though she held the door at a strange angle, as if she were shielding her room.

"Oh! Midoriya!I'm sorry, did I bother you? Something just fell, so I kind of panicked." A small smile graced her features, a way to say sorry.

Midoriya tilted his head to the side, not quite believing her. A look of guilt passed over her face, she looked down, seemingly guilty for something.

Momo looked back up to Izuku, motioning for him to follow her into the room. He hesitated slightly, wondering what would cause her to act so out of character. Izuku shrugged off his fears, hoping that whatever he faces he will be able to resolve.

Yaoyorozu looked back at Izuku, she really hoped that he wouldn't see her any less because of this.

"I may have accidentally created an atomic bomb." Momo looked down, ashamed.

Izuku looked behind Momo, taking in the bomb behind her. He shrugged his shoulders, not particularly panicked about the deadly weapon.

"You don't care?" Izuku saw her shoulders relax, guessing that she had never harbored a dangerous weapon before, though, it wasn't quite an everyday experience.

Izuku gave her a small smile, trying to reassure her that he would take care of the bomb.

Yaoyorozu bowed deeply at Izuku, "Thank you! I will be in debt to you!"

Izuku shook his hands out in front of him, showing his peer that he didn't need any pay-back. Izuku walked towards the bomb, touching it out of curiosity. When nothing happened, he decided not to push his luck, and took all of the energy out of the weapon, successfully rendering it a useless hunk of metal.

The energy swam above his head, he didn't know what he should use it for, so he decided to simply let it hang there and follow him around.

Izuku took a step towards the door, waving at Momo who simply bowed at him in appreciation.

"Thank you!" Izuku made a small hum of acknowledgement, brushing her worries off. He started towards the door again, remembering his rush from beforehand.

He waved towards Momo before he started mindlessly walking towards Eri once more, trying to find a way to state his intentions. Izuku gave up after a second, the right words usually came to him in the moment, so he might as well think of it then.

Izuku stopped walking as another thought came to his mind, should he tell his classmates? It wasn't exactly their business, but their quirks could be extremely helpful in the long run. He decided on asking Nezu, after all, he was one of the smartest creatures Izuku knew.

He started towards Eri once again, jogging lightly to try and make up time. When he reached Katsuki's room he knocked lightly before letting himself in.

Eri jumped into his arms almost immediately, hugging him tightly trying to comfort him in one of the only ways she knew.

"I'm want to talk to Nezu." Izuku's words came out soft, his voice strained against the overuse. He waved goodbye to Kacchan, sending him a small smile and a whisper of thanks.

Izuku started walking towards Nezu's office, Eri still in his arms. The journey was filled with Eri's hums, a song Izuku though he heard on the radio the other day. He smiled, thoroughly enjoying his sister's performance, though she knew that, flaunting her voice, her ego adorably inflated by her brother's attention.

Izuku giggled, happy for the moment of happiness with Eri, it wouldn't last long, though he made it his goal to end it as fast and harmlessly as he could.

Izuku knocked on Nezu's door, hardly noticing that he had reached it in the first place. Eri stopped humming, Izuku frowned at that, but continued in opening the office door anyway. He almost acknowledged that the topic at hand might be slightly more important than Eri's humming, almost, though he would never even admit that the thought had even entered his mind.

Aizawa looked towards the door, not surprised at all that Izuku had arrived, slightly more surprised that he brought Eri. 

"Why did you bring Eri?" Ever blunt, Aizawa simply wanted his question answered, not intending for his question to come out as rude as it had. Luckily enough for him, no one in the room seemed to mind his phrasing.

Izuku cleared his throat, hoping that this much talking wouldn't leave it sore later on. "I have a plan, you all deserve to know."

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