Chapter 39 - Avar

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Hey guys! So I'm getting really excited about starting the rewrite of this book! Its almost over now, maybe one or two chapters after this one, and then I'll start of the rewrite and post the start of Lifeless (My new fic) I'll probably only post the first two chapters of that one before trying to write a few more chapters, then I'll start posting that one once a week. I honestly love the new one, and I feel like its a thousand times more structured than this one. I'll also start to actually try and make this fic have a plot lol. Quite a few things will be changed up. Anyway! I love y'all and I hope you guys have a good day/night! : )

Izuku woke slowly, his eyes fluttering open after a few moments of deliberation. The scene his eyes met was not one he expected.

Izuku was in a cell, though it in no way compared to the different arrays he saw during his main vigilante career. The cell was a sectioned off part of a room, all of the metal appeared immaculate. No amount of rust could be spotted and dust was nonexistent.

Izuku attempted to use his quirk, but found he couldn't. Only small sparks of heat left his fingertips, fizzling down onto the white ground. A scorch mark was left, but Izuku didn't have much time to think about it. The door across from him opened, screeching slightly before falling quiet.

A lean man entered, his hair was silver and ended in arrows, though that wasn't what concerned Izuku. What he was concerned about was that Izuku was stuck in his villain garb, without a quirk, in the Yakuza base, and he didn't know if he was moved to a different base while unconscious.

Izuku recognized Kurono, and even if he didn't have his quirk to defend himself, Izuku wasn't scared of the man. There was no use to be scared of him, it wouldn't help him in the long-run, so Izuku simply stared down the man, fixing a blank stare on his face.

Kurono chuckled, "Welcome, Ignis. Overhaul has recognized your talent as an upcoming villain. I have been asked to talk to you regarding joining us."

Izuku stifled a scoff, letting out a short no before turning away from Kurono. Izuku knew he was being childish, but he didn't quite care, he would do anything he could to make the man go away. Izuku smirked, he knew that the Yakuza didn't know his actual vigilante persona, and they thought that he was simply a small time on-the-rise villain.

Kurono sighed, he knew that he would receive resistance from the young boy, they had, afterall, locked him in a cell. He had talked to Overhaul and told him that they should release the boy if they wished for him to join them, but his boss had said no, that the boy was a flight risk. Kurono walked closer to Izuku, stopping a short way away from his cell.

"Then I'm afraid I will have to inform Overhaul, and he will not take lightly to your resistance, I'm sure." Izuku scoffed out loud this time. He couldn't care less if Overhaul got mad, that could be one of the only ways that he was able to leave. If Izuku managed to make Overhaul angry enough to spill what happened to his quirk and how to fix it, or angry enough to destroy something in the cell room, it could give him a chance to escape.

The Yakuza didn't recognize Izuku, and he knew it would be able to stay that way. He was sure the Yakuza only saw his vigilante persona when he saved Eri, so they could only connect him to that if they dug out who the vigilante was, and they seemed content without Eri. They had probably found a substitute for her blood, but Izuku knew it didn't affect him. Villains mostly hurt heroes, of course there remained a few outliers, but the majority targeted those who did them wrong.

Izuku looked up when Kurono left before standing up, he walked around slowly. He found the cell lacked any vents, windows, or anything else that might aid him in. Izuku knew Kurono was on his way to inform Overhaul, so it would be best to escape before Overhaul tried to 'talk' with him.

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