chapter 2 - misanthrope

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When Izuku awoke he was overcome with immeasurable pain, he couldn't think, couldn't breathe. He tried to scream but the only noise that came out of his throat was a strangled gurgling sound. His back was on fire, his throat felt as if it was ripped open. Maybe it was.

Blood dripped slowly out of his mouth as his lips twisted into a silent scream. He wanted to die, the only thing stopping him was the pain stopping his movement, any motion caused more pain, any noise made his stomach gurgle and throat scream, any thought made his head pound and drown out any sounds other than his own pain.

That was how Eraserhead found Izuku. He was alerted by a strange gurgling noise while patrolling. He quickly ran to the dark alley, turning on a flashlight only to be horrified. A bloody, burned child lay there curled in the fetal position, his throat appeared to be cut and bleeding out. Around his head was a pool of blood coming from his mouth. His eyes were open focused ahead of him blankly while his chest slowly rose and fell.

Eraserhead quickly called an ambulance while retrieving some of the basic first aid equipment he kept. Closing the gap between him and the child, Eraser did everything he could to help, wrapping all of the worst bleeding, applying pressure, etc.

After probably six or seven minutes an ambulance arrived, they quickly loaded the unconscious child into the back, speeding towards the hospital. Eraser was left in the alley waiting for the police to arrive, he needed to file a report. After that he planned to visit the boy in the hospital.

He quickly texted Hizashi, informing him of the situation and telling him not to worry, he got an "ok" in response while the cops pulled up. They started to rope off the scene, looking for evidence or anything else strange. Tsukauchi pulled up a few seconds later, taking his statement quickly so that Eraser could see the boy faster.

Eraserhead left for the hospital shortly after, Tsukauchi followed behind him wanting to ask the boy questions. When they arrived Eraserhead walked quickly to the receptionist area and asked her for the boy's location. After a few seconds of typing onto her computer, she responded "He's currently in surgery, I can inform you when he arrives in his room although it may take upwards of two hours." Eraserhead nodded, murmuring a quiet "thank you" before he left to an empty seat across the lobby.

Sitting down beside him, Tsukauchi remained quiet. Eraserhead started to nod off after an hour had passed. Tsukauchi had left in search of coffee a few minutes ago. 

Returning without coffee a few minutes later, Tsukauchi had a panicked look adorning his face. He motioned for Eraserhead to follow him, running down the hall into an elevator, where he explained "I was passing by the boy's room, they had a few nurses with healing quirks in there, he woke up and started freaking out. His quirk activated and they couldn't stop it." they both stepped out of of the elevator, resuming their run the the boy's room

At the end of the hallway was his door. It was left open, random supplies had been thrown everywhere, there were two nurses laying on the floor unconscious. Eraserhead quickly checked their pulses while other doctors arrived. The two nurses were incredibly cold, their bodies had probably gone into shock. They were both taken to be treated while Eraser and Tsukauchi looked around the room.

It was obvious that the boy's quirk went haywire, the room was a biting cold, random supplies littered the floor, and the window across the room was shattered as well as steaming. Eraser went over to touch the glass but stopped short when he felt how cold the air around it was. Deciding against touching it directly, he picked up a stethoscope and touched the glass, immediately it started to gather frost, he quickly dropped it and watched the frost crawl. It started to crack, small scratches appearing along the metal parts.

A cop burst into the room minutes later, panting. "The kid's name is Izuku Midoriya, diagnosed quirkless at the age of four. No one has seen him or his mother for about five years, they weren't declared missing because his father said they were with him. We have many reports of strange noises from their apartment but none of it was enough to instigate an investigation."

"What is his father's quirk?" asked Tsukauchi. They were all suspicious, the boy had showed up with third degree burns and a slit throat for Pete's sake! "Fire breathing" "And you said he was quirkless?" asked Eraser "that's what his file said" there was a pause in the conversation as the information sunk in. "wait, what happened here?" The cop hadn't paid any notice to the state of the room until now "his quirk activated." Tsukauchi answered solemnly. "A torture induced quirk" Eraserhead stated. A late bloomer was possible but a torture induced quirk was more likely given the circumstances.

Eraserhead stood up from his kneeling position, "my guess it a temperature controlling quirk, although that wouldn't explain why everything is on the floor." he motioned to the supplies scattered on the floor. "We won't be sure until we catch him. I'll go look for him while I finish my patrol." Eraserhead walked out and started his search. Tsukauchi left to the station to make a file for Izuku along with his missing notice and send out a warrant for his father.

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