Chapter 41 - i paenitet

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Guys, I am literally so sorry it took so long to get this chapter out. I don't know if anybody has seen the message I left on my profile, but the day I posted the last chapter, my family's car got robbed while we were hiking. A lot of personal stuff was taken, along with other really important things, so I was very distracted for a few weeks, then I got sick (still don't know if it was covid or not) and I didn't have any free time with state tests, so it was like one thing after another stopped me from actually writing. At the moment when I'm starting to write, I honestly don't know if this is going to be the last chapter or not (it probably is judging by my writers block when it comes to this specific story) but I do know that I have the plot laid out for the rewrite and my new fic (angst warning lol) and I'm very excited about those : ) I love you all, and I hope you enjoy!!!


Izuku sat up slowly, his consciousness returning in small increments. It left him disoriented and dizzy for a few minutes, but he couldn't understand why. Why was he waking up like this? Did something happen? He felt as if he should be able to remember something, a memory just out of reach to his mind.

Looking around slowly, as to not aggravate his growing headache, Izuku noticed the hospital room. He hated hospital roms, all of them reminding him of when his quirk manifested and the moments afterwards. The ghostly white that all these rooms held aggravated a deep part of Izuku's soul, representing a hatred he couldn't quite describe.

The door creaked open slowly, and Izuku's gaze shot towards it when Aizawa entered. "Hey problem child, you're being discharged." Izuku nodded, happy that his escape would be granted faster than any previous hospital visits.

Aizawa left the room, leaving Izuku to catch up. He was still slightly upset at the boy's recklessness, but was more happy that the boy was now ok. When he heard Izuku's steps behind his own, Aizawa sped up slightly, leading them both towards his car.

Izuku would've jumped with joy, had it not been for the pressure growing in his head. He sat down quickly, shutting the car door quickly in hopes that his eagerness to leave would rub off on Aizawa, and the man would hurry up his own steps.

Of course, Aizawa wouldn't give in so soon, especially after the stress his son had just put him through. Call him petty, but Aizawa needed to get back at the boy one way or another.

"Izuku, you've been asleep for a few days, so there's a few things that Nezu wanted to go over with you." Aizawa sighed and looked out the window, knowing that Nezu would probably say some outlandish thing, but nonetheless, Aizawa was still driving the boy to the mouse bear's office.

Izuku nodded, a small smile playing on his lips. He was ok now, so he didn't see why Aizawa could possibly be upset with him, chalking the man's behaviour up to his normal stresses.

When the pair arrived Izuku jumped out of the car immediately, intending on saying hello to Eri before going to Nezu's, but stopped short when he heard Aizawa's steps falter behind him. Turning towards the man, Izuku barely spotted the small glimmer of tears under the man's lashes, but it was enough to spark action. Immediately, Izuku wrapped his arms around Aizawa, giving the taller male a hug.

It was enough to encourage more tears from Aizawa, "At first, they didn't know if you would wake up." Izuku looked away, shame creeping up his spine. Of course Aizawa was upset that he had almost died, everyone probably was, and here he was simply happy to get away from the hospital, completely ignoring his family's feelings.

"I'm sorry." Aizawa just hugged Izuku tighter, not feeling as if he had to respond verbally.

They stood there for a few minutes, only seperating when Aizawa felt Izuku's tears reach his shirt. He smiled at the boy, conveying the absolute joy that he felt when he learned that Izuku had recovered.

They both made their ways inside the U.A. building, walking in a comfortable silence. Izuku led them to the dorms first, finding most of his class resting around the living area on the couches.

There was a tense pause before the class dogpiled Izuku, tears being shed from everyone and screaming curse words from a few. Izuku started crying again too, hugging back all of his friends.

They once again stood like that for a few minutes, only interrupted by the small steps of principal Nezu. "Izuku! Welcome back! I just wanted to let you know that the villains have been apprehended and are being dealt with accordingly! Now, I do hope that you won't take any more drastic measures, and remain in your classes for the rest of the year!" Izuku nodded in response, his eyes still watery.


End note: Guys, I am literally so sorry. This was the worst ending I could've written but as I wrote the last two chapters, I started despising this fic. I feel like I could've done so much more, could've done things differently along the way, I just took too many steps in the wrong directions. It started weighing on me a lot, I was dreading having to write the ending, but forced myself to anyway. This was completely avoidable if I had just made a plot beforehand, but I never thought this fic could get so popular, so I never bothered. I don't want to leave anyone unsatisfied or upset at the ending, but I just really had the worst writer's block of my life. I appreciate all of you guys with all my heart, you guys gave me confidence and made me feel like my writing was better than I thought. It honestly feels surreal that I have 120k reads, I'm amazed that I got here, but I also think that you guys will like my newer fics more. I'm really confident about Lifeless, and I'm super excited to start posting it (I've decided on every Monday) and I hope you all love it as much as I do : ) I sincerely hope that every single one of my readers knows how much they impacted my life, when I had dark thoughts, I turned to writing, and I got to see all of your guy's extremely positive comments, and I even made new friends. I really can't thank you enough. :) So thank you :)

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