chapter 20 - Brontide

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The class of 1-A waited in their seats. Aizawa was late, which in itself wasn't that strange, but it felt different this time. Usually the sleep deprived teacher overslept in the teacher's lounge, or he was scolding a misbehaving student in the halls. Today however was strange, a few students had seen Aizawa walking around the school, seeming furious. Most of the class was worried, they had never seen the teacher as angry as he had been at that moment, and judging by the absent purple headed weirdo, a few students deduced his relation to Aizawa's absence.

Izuku sat in his seat, Eri on his lap. She was playing with his hair, braiding and knotting the ends of random strands. Izuku's head fell occasionally, he hadn't slept in a few days and hadn't found enough energy around him to sustain himself. Izuku refused to use his power to find himself energy now if fear of losing control and hurting or killing a classmate, Eri was blissfully unaware of his inner turmoil, she simply kept playing with his hair, unknowingly increasing her brother's sleep problem.

After a few more minutes of waiting for the teacher Izuku finally fell asleep, his head resting on top of his arms, Eri comfortably squished on his lap. The part of the class that saw the interaction awed quietly, it was amazing to see a boy with such a sad past, who had to deal with a lot of criticisms, be content and happy with Eri.

The door to the classroom flung open, hitting the wall beside it causing a loud band that startled the class. Izuku lifted his head slightly before he saw Aizawa standing at the doorway and deeming himself ok to continue sleeping. When the class saw Aizawa standing there he received a few shushes and pointed glares. The tired teacher sighed quietly, "The problem child needs to be awake to hear this." At his title Izuku's head rose once again, at this point Eri was asleep within his grasp too. "Now that i have your attention, Mineta has been expelled. I expect all of you, as future heroes, to respect everyone you come across. The bar was set for Mineta and he didn't reach it, I can hope that you all have seen the behaviour set by him and know how not to act. Any behaviour that the principal or I don't deem fit for heroes will be expelled, understand?"

The class nodded excitedly, the short male had made them all uncomfortable, making their school environment stiff and unnatural. In short, they were glad the disgusting male was expelled. Izuku was only partially awake, not fully comprehending what was said, though he understood Aizawa needed a confirmation from his students, so he let out a small, low pitched grumble. Said grumble reminded the teacher of Izuku's state, Aizawa didn't really know about any problems with his students' sleep schedule, but it was obvious that Izuku needed more.

Aizawa picked up his favorite sleeping bag, motioning the tired boy forward. Izuku didn't know why he was called up, nor did he care. He did a zombie walk of sorts up to Aizawa while Eri hung off his side like a koala, Aizawa handed him the sleeping bag, assisting Izuku slightly into the warm cocoon. Once inside, Izuku flopped rather violently onto the ground, falling asleep instantly. Aizawa sighed for what felt like the hundredth time today, was that what he looked like? Aizawa drug the pair of sleeping problem children under his desk so that he could walk around freely, and started his lesson.


School had ended a few minutes ago, Izuku slept through it all. Eri had woken up occasionally for a snack, but fell asleep shortly after. Aizawa knew that his problem children needed sleep, but it probably wasn't very comfortable sleeping on the floor.

He begrudgingly tried to wake the sleeping problem children, though when his efforts proved fruitless he started to pick them up. Aizawa hooked his arms under the cocoon, though he felt like he missed something, maybe he was supposed to do something? It hit him like a ton of bricks riding on a semi, he was supposed to take Izuku to therapy when school ended!

Aizawa picked up the sleeping children faster before running out of the classroom towards the therapist's office. When they arrived, outside the office was standing an old woman, her face was full of wrinkles, though she radiated a conflicting aura of friendliness and sternness.

The woman frowned a bit at the arrival of Aizawa, "I thought I told you to be on time, Aizawa! You were supposed to bring him to me ten minutes ago! Now I'll have less time with the boy, you better be sorry!" Aizawa nodded his sorry, unable to fit in a proper apology between the old woman's ramblings. "Give the poor boy here, I'll carry him inside. Now you go catch up on your sleep, I'll find and wake you when you need to be awake, hurry up now! Go! Shoo!"

Aizawa nodded once again, handing the Izuku to the woman, while waking Eri up so that she could nap in an actual bed. Izuku looked up groggily, quickly slipping out of the woman's hold, bowing as an apology to having to be carried.

"It's not a problem honey, but I would like you to talk to me a bit, so that I might get to know you?" Izuku nodded, entering into the woman's office after her. Aizawa walked away with Eri after making sure Izuku was ok being alone.

The woman motioned for Izuku to sit in a large fluffy chair beside her own. "Now, honey, I know you don't know me at all, so let me introduce myself! My name is Glenda, but you may call me whatever you like, I even respond to grandma." She finished her introduction with a wink. "You can communicate however you like! I know you have a few different methods. Izuku nodded, picking up a pad and pencil, writing down his name, age, sister, and favorite food. The following thirty minutes were filled with basic questions that Izuku enjoyed answering, though the answers mostly involved Eri.

Once their time was up Aizawa came to pick up Izuku, not before being scolded by Glenda for not sleeping enough first. Eri ran up to Izuku as soon as she saw him, asking every question she could think of. Izuku responded to them all with a thumbs up and a cute smile, Eri jumped on him, giving him a huge hug, yelling how great it was that Izuku had fun.

Glenda smiled softly, they were the cutest children she'd seen in years.


Y'all I'm so sorry this took so long, I don't have any good excuses. First I didn't know what to write then I was overwhelmed by school and sports :( I'm so sorry!!!!!!!!!!!! I can't even write a good apology because I want to get this chapter out sooner :( I'm so soooorrrrrrryyyyy!!!!!!!!!

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