Chapter 37 - Balter

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Warning!: Extreme amounts of fluff ;)

Izuku landed softly on the ground below the rest of his class, waving his hands in seemingly random commands that his classmates followed perfectly. They were surrounding a certain fiery hero that Izuku held nothing but contempt and spite for.

Todoroki may or may not have spilled a bit of his story to Izuku, the bicolored boy expected to not be taken seriously, and was happily surprised when Izuku told him that he believed him. That was what led Izuku here, overcoming his extreme fear of fire with pure spite and anger.

The angry man was beating a poor robber in a short alleyway, completely unaware of the "villains" surrounding him. Izuku tapped on the wall beside him, allowing a grin to grace his features. He knew that he didn't look particularly friendly right now, that his grin probably scared his classmates waiting above the man, but he couldn't really bring himself to care. This fake hero brought so much pain, and if he could repay that just a little, even a slight bit, maybe Izuku would feel better about himself. Maybe he would make Todoroki feel better, maybe he would feel better knowing that if he beat this man, he would surely be able to protect Eri.

With that thought, Izuku's grin widened. He truly did look like a crazy villain.

"Is that Endeavor I see? No! It couldn't be! This man is beating an already unconscious body! He couldn't possibly be a hero!" Izuku couldn't bring himself to care about how he sounded more like a vigilante than a villain, the hero wouldn't be able to remember this conversation after he was done with the hero.

Endeavor dropped the man's body like a predator fixed on a new piece of meat, a better, tastier piece of meat. Izuku guessed he was just that for the man, nothing more than a piece of meat to beat into oblivion. Izuku smiled, he had always loved those nature documentaries where a much smaller animal took down a larger predator, it amazed him.

Endeavor smiled along with Izuku, his confidence overshadowing any other doubt he might have had. "And is that a villain I see?" Endeavor retorted.

There seemed to be a mutual understanding between the two that no further talking would need to be done before fighting, both of which followed the understanding to a tee. Both moved themselves from their positions from before into more defensive positions, though Izuku had much more planned than simply fighting the man with his fists like Endeavor seemed to think.

Izuku started his "quirk" up, manipulating the heat from the man's shoulders into a giant ball that hovered over the alleyway. Endeavor didn't notice, his mind consumed with the need to beat the villain in front of him to see the suspicious amount of light starting to hang over his head.

Izuku made the first move, boosting himself up into the air before landing a solid kick on the hero's forearm that was used as a block. Endeavor didn't have time to retaliate as another kick was aimed at the side of his head. He managed to move his head, only receiving a slight gust of wind.

Endeavor forced the flames on his shoulders to rise before shooting more out of his hands towards the villain that had landed on the ground. Izuku dodged quickly, completely ready for the move, and boosted himself off of the wall beside him fist first into the hero.

Endeavor was knocked back slightly as the punch landed on the side of his face. His eyes watered slightly as a result, but the liquid quickly evaporated from the heat of the alley. Endeavor sent another torrent of flames that Izuku dodged easily, retaliating with his own kick.

The fight continued that way until Izuku paused nearer to the entrance of the alley, dodging all of the flames sent his way before placing his finger onto his chin in a thinking motion. "Say, have you seen me use my quirk yet? I don't think I've even introduced myself! How rude of me!" Izuku donned his villain persona, slipping into the slightly maniacal voice that frightened the rest of his hidden group, though Katsuki almost burst out laughing at the sight before Izuku continued. "Well! My quirk is heat manipulation, my name is Ignis. It's nice to meet you, hero, though I don't think that you will like the rest of our interaction very much."

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